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Insane Ice Resist

May 16, 2009
So in a lot of topics, i have seen wizards complaining about Ice's huge
resist to fire and storm. Currently, i have Waterworks hat, robe, and boots,
Elissa's Chilled Band, and an athame that gives 2% universal resist (forgot the name). So all together, that's about 37% universal resist, and 36% ice boost. I am currently level 73, so i am wondering what gear those ice wizards use. It would come useful later on against bosses like the Jabberwock and even Pendragon. And also, for such amazing resist, does ice have to sacrifice some of their damage boosts?

Blaze IceCloud, Level 73 Ice

Jul 28, 2010
The Avalon of Zafaria crafted gear would give you those boosts. You do lose a little attack damage but you get better block, and critical, not to mention more resistance.

Jul 21, 2009
Your gear is fine you want to train your pet and get spell Proof and spell Defying they stack also you want to get your pets pedigree score up higher the better. Pets really play a big part now in stats Good luck Try to ask this next time in Ravenwood / Commons may get more reply's