but there 1 problem i cant seem to find where to learn death blade and death trap? can you only learn these spells when you're death or am i missing something?
but there 1 problem i cant seem to find where to learn death blade and death trap? can you only learn these spells when you're death or am i missing something?
If your primary school of focus on this wizard is fire with death as secondary, you can not train death blade or trap except those you can get from Niles at the Krokosphinx. He has the Elemental and Spiritual blades and traps. You have to be level 25 to train those and will cost you 1 pip each time you use them in battle.
but there 1 problem i cant seem to find where to learn death blade and death trap? can you only learn these spells when you're death or am i missing something?
Those are Death only spells. You are limited to only those spells offered by Malorn and later Dworgyn.