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Ice Guardian Minion Spell Not Related To Ice

Sep 23, 2010
Ok so first of love the game and all great game. ^^ But on to other matters. So yeah i have a question why does the ice guardian minion spell never use any ice spells at all? All i ever see it use is storm shark and fire elf. I mean it is ice after all not fire or storm. Also is passes turns a lot i mean a lot. Now the ice minion for balance looks exactly the same as the guardian but it uses ice spells every round from what i saw and it adds ice blades to the wizard. So my question is why doesn't my ice school my minion dont use ice spells or help me like that cause it doesn't make sense at all. I mean it makes a lot more sense for the ice minion that comes from ice my focus class to use ice. Wizard team can you shed some light on this for me or fix it be me most appreciated. Also welcome to comments from my fellow wizards.

May 06, 2010
They use non-ice spells so they don't activate your traps and they have more health than fire minions.

Sep 23, 2010
i know that but it doesn't make sense as in ice and it uses those. i get that its for so it doesn't use traps but the balance uses ice and it would use their traps as well. i'm just saying it would be better if our minion used ice spells like maybe shield us or put traps on are opponent or blade us and maybe attack once in a while. I think it be better this way and make much more sense then it does right now. It sounds like it make it not even but i would not. I mean all the other school uses their class but not us.

Feb 01, 2010
yeah same for my storm minion the only spells i have seen him do is elemental shield[ commonly ] taunt [ commonly ] ghoul [ rarely ] and spirit armor [ very rarely ] no storm spells in there

Jan 20, 2010
the ice minion use storm and fire because ice doesn't have very good attacks and the storm minion uses shields because storm doesn't have very good defense. i'd actually rather my minion use storm and fire because i don't always use my secondary schools...actually i don't even have any storm spells, only fire and life (and of course ice)

Olivia Lotusflower
Grandmaster Thaumaturge
Cya in the Spiral!

Apr 09, 2010
The ice guardian is a minion. Unlike hinchmen Minion's are based off there schools yes put the fact is the stronger the school the weaker the minion meaning ice should have one of the strongest minion's (death not counted) minion's do not use spells of there school so they do not use up your wards and the spells mater to If you want a list of the spells here it is Fire elf (common) Lightning bats (uncommon) Storm shark (uncommon) ghoul (only used if minion has taken damage) Ice beetle (Ultre rare) There is the best explenation i can give

Valdus FrostRunner level 50 thuamaturge

Sep 08, 2010
2700masters wrote:
The ice guardian is a minion. Unlike hinchmen Minion's are based off there schools yes put the fact is the stronger the school the weaker the minion meaning ice should have one of the strongest minion's (death not counted) minion's do not use spells of there school so they do not use up your wards and the spells mater to If you want a list of the spells here it is Fire elf (common) Lightning bats (uncommon) Storm shark (uncommon) ghoul (only used if minion has taken damage) Ice beetle (Ultre rare) There is the best explenation i can give

Valdus FrostRunner level 50 thuamaturge

Personally for me the Ice Minion is a huge let-down. Same 400 health as other comparable pets I've seen (outside the myth baby pets), accuracy rate needs serious adjustment, spell book needs serious work. Others got their minions far earlier and to more benefit than Ice. We wait 10+ more levels and get a minion that fizzles 70-80% of the time, is pure offense (further exacerbating the fizzle fest), ergo no defense, and only casts 3 spells. Mine has only ever cast Fire-elf (fizzles 80% attempts) Ghoul, if hurt and not dead (50% fizzle) and Shark (surprisingly fizzles far less than the elf at a 60%-ish rate) So for me, I spend 3 pip wait 4-5 turns for a spell to actually successfully cast, usually shark because it has fizzled enough to build more than 3 pips at which point it will only cast shark unless it gets damaged.

Never saw the bats or beetles but probably lost in the fizzle fest.

Feb 15, 2009
Ice and storm have minions to fill their lacks. The way the game was suppose to be is ice is suppose to be a tank and take large amounts of damage and remain living while you keep enemies busy on you and your friends kill them (Very affective if you have life as a secondary). And storm is meant to do the killing while ice does this. Also you may use 2 other schools such as life for healing and balance for buffs. But lets skip right to the chase. These minions are affective in solo play. Storm's minion taunts and shields itself while you kill so the enemies stay busy on it and uses ghoul to help attack some and heal itself when it gets low on life, also this is why ice has ice armor or why this minion uses spirit armor. (btw, the minion is more affective with the storm spell paficy i think it is sry if I'm wrong i get those confused xD and ice's minion is there to kill while the ice distracts them is why it uses strong attacks such as storm shark. But soon when cl goes live it is being changed to ice bat and ice shark.

Jun 20, 2009
i went in the test realm a couple of weeks ago, and i was surprised to find that my ice minion would give both me and itself ice blades, do some ice traps, and then do ice sharks or ice bats or ice elf. i mean, do they love the spells fire elf, storm shark, and lightning bats so much that they would first give the ice minion the regular spells, and then to make it more ice related they would mutate those exact spells so that they were all of a sudden ice spells. well, at least they now actually can set up an attack (blades and traps).

Sep 08, 2010
Part of my surprise with the minion is how ineffective it seems to be at being a 'tank' or contributing to making me a 'tank'. Fizzled spells do not taunt and it was casting zero defensive enhancements.

Glad to hear this is being addressed on the test server and hopefully the changes will be implemented soon. I hope they include some accuracy tweaks.

Jan 01, 2010
joey110498 wrote:
yeah same for my storm minion the only spells i have seen him do is elemental shield[ commonly ] taunt [ commonly ] ghoul [ rarely ] and spirit armor [ very rarely ] no storm spells in there
The update news says that the ice minion fire minion and storm minion for each school will now do better spells like fire will do link, ice will now cast snow shark and ice bats and storm will now attack more and shield. The spectral minion will now summon the EXACT same minions for the 3 elemental schools, no longer the fire ice and storm servant hope you like this change