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Ice Deckathalon global progress bar adjusted

Deckathletes! Yesterday there was a display problem with the Treasure Card points not being awarded per day. The issue has since been resolved. At Midnight Central on May 18 the points should properly reset automatically and display normally again.

The points were also not being counted correctly on the global progress bar. Today we manually updated the progress bar to the ‘Even Better Loot’ milestone to adjust for these points. Now that everything is back on track, go forth and ascend the tower!

Know that while the community progress bar at further stages increases the chance of getting rare loot, everything you are looking for to craft those Decks and Hands of Fate are available now (and always have been).

And a reminder that the 20 points per day can be acquired anywhere in the Spiral just by using TCs!
If you have any questions about this update, please reply below.

Have fun climbing the tower this weekend!

Mar 16, 2009
You're saying that everything we need for crafting the Hands of Fate wands has been available for us, but I haven't had any luck seeing any Strengthening Runes. Were these, or any other reagent for that matter, locked behind a milestone in the community progress bar? Or are they just exceedingly rare drops?

Sep 27, 2010
I have been farming the towers (currently have 1200 points) and have yet to see many of the runes needed to craft the wands. Which tower drops the runes needed? Where is the recipe to transmute the runes? My friend purchased all of them before the event but I can't see to find them, am I missing something?

Apr 18, 2013
Sparck. on May 17, 2019 wrote:
Deckathletes! Yesterday there was a display problem with the Treasure Card points not being awarded per day. The issue has since been resolved. At Midnight Central on May 18 the points should properly reset automatically and display normally again.

The points were also not being counted correctly on the global progress bar. Today we manually updated the progress bar to the ‘Even Better Loot’ milestone to adjust for these points. Now that everything is back on track, go forth and ascend the tower!

Know that while the community progress bar at further stages increases the chance of getting rare loot, everything you are looking for to craft those Decks and Hands of Fate are available now (and always have been).

And a reminder that the 20 points per day can be acquired anywhere in the Spiral just by using TCs!
If you have any questions about this update, please reply below.

Have fun climbing the tower this weekend!
My 2 wizards participating had their progress bar stuck at 20/20 tc used all of last week. I did not earn points because of this. It also discouraged me to play as much as it did encourage me to look online for posts about the event. That took up a large bulk of my time looking and posting on Central why I am not earning points. Also, Wiz had maintenance 3 nights in a row at precisely the time I got on to play. That too took hours off time I would have spent earning points.

I am liking this event, but it seems there are advantages that some players have that others just don't.

Also, because the global progress bar was not functioning correctly, it means the 'better loot' did not give us better loot. Is KI ever going to tell us what that better loot was supposed to be? Will every account be awarded some sort of award because of this? Some do this Event on all their wizards so it means they missed out on better loot for all their wizards. I even see the 1st progress bar tier was moved to what is now the 3rd tier.

Also, there are questions being asked regarding the Hands of Fate. What is the purpose of the blade cards on this wand? Were those blade cards meant to work inside the Towers for this event? If not, they are basically pointless.

You have an inaccuracy in your statement regarding TC usage working towards this event. Gardening TC does not count as the 20 per day.

I sure do hope this Hamster pet is hatchable!

Thanks for the Event!