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Ice, Death or Life Decisions Decisions.

Sep 28, 2008
I am having issues currently and I know there are tons of comments and posts like these but I need help. I have seen many disputes of which classes are best/best to solo with. Now like said I see tons of these up and I see a lot say each has their ups and downs and I realize that but at this point I like them all and can't decide.

I want to heal but then again not much power to it and rather not run storm with a life wizard. Death seems interesting with it's boosts and partial healing capabilities but then Ice with it's stuns, resist and very high health.

The reason I am creating this is I need to see opinions to which could be best soloing but also within that post as to why it could also be good for teaming up. I know healing has it's major heal power and ice with it's high defense and taunts and Death with it's high boost health drains.

So if you can please help another wizard out and help me decide between then three. I started out with only going to decide Ice and life but death seemed cool too and now... Not sure lol. So please help if you can, Thanks :)

Elijah Stormstrider - Level 33 Magus Diviner
Cassandra Earthcrafter- Level 29 Adept Conjurer
Samuel SandRider - Level 27 Adept Sorcerer

Jun 08, 2011
It depends on what you’re really looking for. It sounds like more of a defense/healing school. If you have been a Conjurer, a Diviner, and a Sorcerer, you must be used to attacking more, so this will be a change. Death would be easiest to adjust to, since it has good attacks, and can heal (there are a lot of death bosses though). Life is best for healing and has great health, but its attacks are lower. As for ice-I have an ice account, and although the health makes playing a lot more relaxing, it is far harder to attack. If you just want to heal, Life would be good, but keep in mind that Death can heal too, and does a better job of attacking. If you pick life or ice, do a school like storm or fire that has better attacks. Ice and life are probably harder to solo on, since most of their spells include healing or defending themselves and teammates. I don’t really know about life, since I don’t have a life wizard. I would recommend Death with a backing of Life.
If you’re still stuck, maybe do one as a main school and one as a secondary. Hope this helps!

Sep 28, 2008
I was thinking of that since I know there are droppable amulets that allow Power pips for another school. I like being a team player like healing but I also enjoy having some defense that is why I needed people to help me out and see their opinions. I like both ice and Life and that is why I cant choose. Death seems nice I guess but again not too much of a fan with Death Wizards.

I want the health and defensive abilities as an Ice which pulls me towards them but the thoughts of the healing effects and usefulness in battles as a life also pulls me towards them which makes me have issues of decisions lol. I am probably the worst at making these kind of decisions.

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
keybladeweilder wrote:
I am having issues currently and I know there are tons of comments and posts like these but I need help. I have seen many disputes of which classes are best/best to solo with. Now like said I see tons of these up and I see a lot say each has their ups and downs and I realize that but at this point I like them all and can't decide.

I want to heal but then again not much power to it and rather not run storm with a life wizard. Death seems interesting with it's boosts and partial healing capabilities but then Ice with it's stuns, resist and very high health.

The reason I am creating this is I need to see opinions to which could be best soloing but also within that post as to why it could also be good for teaming up. I know healing has it's major heal power and ice with it's high defense and taunts and Death with it's high boost health drains.

So if you can please help another wizard out and help me decide between then three. I started out with only going to decide Ice and life but death seemed cool too and now... Not sure lol. So please help if you can, Thanks :)

Elijah Stormstrider - Level 33 Magus Diviner
Cassandra Earthcrafter- Level 29 Adept Conjurer
Samuel SandRider - Level 27 Adept Sorcerer

death- solo school
health wisps arent required as much and did i mention it has great soloing potential and blades/traps often referred as the zombie wizard ( term meaning comes back from death)
ice- tank school
we are used to waiting the fight out building pips before we rapid hit often referred to as the glacier that moves slowly but becomes deadly
life- supportive school but can be deadly in many cases a solo/teamwork school
attacks dont get learned often so tcs are big friends expecially enchantments like tough ( for really low) up to giant and the one that boosts 175 to make your smaller hits bigger
if you have attack based school friends along for the ride ( perfect partner storm) you can keep them up and up health wise and can be referred as the walking hospital

pick what ya like i played all but death ( ice lvl 62 and life like around lvl 20 or something i forgot maybe 16? ) but i still understand death thnx to my bf and neighbor ( travis thunderspear there is your shout out :P )

May 19, 2012
I haven't tried this combo yet, but it is one combo I will be testing out later on. I am interested in playing an ice with death as secondary. It seems to me that would be a lethal combination to play. Battles might take a little longer than if you were playing a storm or fire wizard, but I think this would be a good solo combo to have. The only draw back I can see is that they are on separate tri-blades/shields/traps, but for the most part I would only attack with ice spells anyways, adding in feint, for that 70% boost to my attack spells, or an occasional vampire or such to heal me with, should I need it.

My storm wizard has life as secondary, and it's ok, but I think for an ice wizard, death is the way to go. I can just see my huge damage storm spells with a feint. Monsters wouldn't have a chance against her then. I don't know, though, with her low health, that 30% trap that gets applied to her when casting feint, could possibly be her undoing as well. I think maybe for a storm wizard, life is better, hehe.