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I think Myth needs to be rewritten from scratch...

Feb 06, 2010
The Myth School will train its student wizards to summon minions. Myth Wizards eventually get four different types of minions, each with a little different function. They have their own moderate damage spells with moderate accuracy, but a lot of their more functional spells deal with buffing, healing, and protecting their minions. They also have the ability of taking down defenses on other players, so if someone is stacking a bunch of defensive spells, a Myth wizard can get rid of them.”

Even with all the recent changes, myth still strays far from its original purpose. Myth is what you would call the “summoner” class of this MMO.

  1. Why is the myth school a shield breaking school? - This was to clear the way for the minions to strike, but also get some damage on your opponent.
  2. What happened to minions? Over the years, minions clearly faded from this school and became extremely outdated! Hands down, Talos is the best-unrestricted minion you can have in the early/mid-game. Talos, however, is only obtained through side world content.
  3. AOE? Myth did indeed suffer from a lack of higher AOE spells. Level 48 was left without an AOE because Myth already obtained two before some schools even obtained 1! Later AOEs became depended upon because it was up to the Wizard (not the minion) to get through the content.

It’s great that Myth has a rank 7 AOE now, but is that really what the myth school needed? Maybe spellements for humongo frog would have worked?

I know remastering minions have been an age-old discussion, but I think it is worth investing in. Monsterology has been a great addition, but myth has gone in so many directions they can’t correctly manage the successful outcome with their minions. Krok spells (a minion blade, minion heal, minion shield) are great but eventually lose their purpose when battles become about timing and going fast.

For old minions, the only way they can redeem them now is spellements or rewriting their spell list. If we go the spellements route, maybe make a persuasive (possibly cheating) minion 7-10 pips. Another solution, always allow myth to summon more than one minion (like monsterlogy) Obviously if myth minions became crazy powerful, the myth spells the wizard would have to be weakened, and no one could obtain TCs of the minions but myth.

Hopefully you guys read and consider this, it would be so cool to be a master summoner by level 130.