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I keep seeing cool cowboy hats

Apr 14, 2014
Every once in a while, I run into a player, usually a guy, that has a cowboy hat and I want to know what the name of the design is. Now, I know an obvious answer might be "go look at the wiki", but usually the hats are stitched.

If the cowboy look is just for guys, then that's okay, even though my wizard is a girl.

Mar 26, 2009
Try looking at "Exquisite Cowl" in the Bazaar and tell me if that seems like it.

Jul 01, 2015
If you click on him, press inspect and then click on his hat there might be some info.

Sep 07, 2017
kathey3553 on Jul 24, 2018 wrote:
Every once in a while, I run into a player, usually a guy, that has a cowboy hat and I want to know what the name of the design is. Now, I know an obvious answer might be "go look at the wiki", but usually the hats are stitched.

If the cowboy look is just for guys, then that's okay, even though my wizard is a girl.
Is it black leather with a feather? if so, that is gear from the clock tower gauntlet pack.