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I had a suspicious encounter today. Any thoughts?

Jul 07, 2020
I was in the Jade Palace in Mooshu and I was just starting the questline there when I randomly got a friend request from a level 6 ice wizard of all people. Already, I'm starting to see red flags because I don't know how a level 6 could possibly reach Mooshu. This player also had the Mastermind badge so they must have completed Marleybone to get it but I don't know how they could have possibly achieved this at their level. I hesitantly accepted their friend request. This person seemed friendly and were asking about how my day was going and so on. Eventually, they teleported away to some place else and told me to teleport to their location in order to receive "an Autumn surprise". It was about then that I decided to nope out of there. I told this person that I had to go and I went offline. I am unsure of what to make of this situation. Was it a scam attempt or something else?

Jan 26, 2018
Silver Coin on Sep 5, 2020 wrote:
I was in the Jade Palace in Mooshu and I was just starting the questline there when I randomly got a friend request from a level 6 ice wizard of all people. Already, I'm starting to see red flags because I don't know how a level 6 could possibly reach Mooshu. This player also had the Mastermind badge so they must have completed Marleybone to get it but I don't know how they could have possibly achieved this at their level. I hesitantly accepted their friend request. This person seemed friendly and were asking about how my day was going and so on. Eventually, they teleported away to some place else and told me to teleport to their location in order to receive "an Autumn surprise". It was about then that I decided to nope out of there. I told this person that I had to go and I went offline. I am unsure of what to make of this situation. Was it a scam attempt or something else?
If they have friends in Mooshu, they could have easily teleported there.

I highly doubt that they had the badge for completing Marleybone - it's just not feasible. Remove them and go on with your day.