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Hyper Elixer

Jul 16, 2014
Here I was all excited to see the new Hyper Elixir. Then I saw the price. 5000 Crowns, Really? 5k in crowns. I know it last 12 hours and that's great if your going to be on all day long, but most are not on 12 hours straight. Is there anyway this can be lowered a bit. I think 2500 or even 3000 would be more in line. Lets not forget a lot of these players are kids and do not have that kind of crown money to spend. 5000 crowns is quite a bit. Lets also not forget that the reason this elixir was made was not only to make money for KI but to also get more people playing by making it just a tad easier if they have lesser gear. Please KI re-think the price of this Elixir. Thanks.

Oct 01, 2011
From my experience elixirs pause if you log out, restarting the timer countdown once you get back on

Jan 18, 2010
5000 crowns is quite a lot unless this elixir can be paused and use whenever we need to (such as heading into a boss fight or mob fights) and not running around to NPC - NPC quests.

If that was the case, then 5000 crowns would seem more feasible.

Since that is however not the case, I concur that 2500 - 3000 crowns is a far more suitable price range for the newly introduced elixirs.

Jul 16, 2014
If it can be paused then maybe it’s ok but I still think it’s just a little too expensive. Having it paused when offline would make it a bit easier to choke down the 5k crown price just a tad.

Jul 16, 2014
Well I decided to test it out. I have about 9 hours or so left on it so I hope the 9 hours is still there when I decide to log in. If not I won’t ever be buying it again. We will see.

Jul 16, 2014
Well it does pause so that is good. Still wish it was a little cheaper though.