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How do you heal people who die when fighting

Dec 19, 2010
When you die in a group fight, it says do you want to flee, and then it asks that, given that your teamates can heal you, do you really want to flee?

I've been healed by others, and several people have asked me, but I can't figure out how to heal a teamate who has died.

I am school of ice, if that matters. Is this only a school of life skill?

May 20, 2010
Some healing spells can be used on defeated wizards. Unfortunately, the basic "Pixie" spell cannot.

Life wizards have several of these spells, including Fairy,which is their version of Pixie, and which can be used on others.

Death wizards who have completed Wizard City have a spell known as Sacrifice. If it's in their deck and available, it will cause them 250 damage and heal themselves or others for 700.

Note that the Balance spell Helping Hands will not revive a defeated wizard.

Other wizards can also heal by purchasing healing treasure cards. A Sprite treasure card can be bought at the Wizard City Library for 350 gold and for less at the Bazaar, if it's available. Other healing cards can also be bought at the Bazaar if they're in stock. By loading these in the sideboard of the Spell Deck, they're available to revive defeated wizards. The Sprite treasure card sold at the Library will heal 50 on the round it's used and 100 on each of the following three rounds. Since the enemy usually won't attack defeated wizards on the round after they are revived, it gives the wizards 150 health and a chance to use a healing card on themselves later.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
mdoyle4ever wrote:
When you die in a group fight, it says do you want to flee, and then it asks that, given that your teamates can heal you, do you really want to flee?

I've been healed by others, and several people have asked me, but I can't figure out how to heal a teamate who has died.

I am school of ice, if that matters. Is this only a school of life skill?

You can learn to heal others if you take life school as a sceondary.


You can buy 'heal other' treasure cards at the WC library or Bazaar.

Apr 12, 2010
mdoyle4ever wrote:
When you die in a group fight, it says do you want to flee, and then it asks that, given that your teamates can heal you, do you really want to flee?

I've been healed by others, and several people have asked me, but I can't figure out how to heal a teamate who has died.

I am school of ice, if that matters. Is this only a school of life skill?

It is mainly a life school deal, however balance also has helping hands. it does require a healing spell the can be cast on others. as you are ice, i do not believe that you would have a healing card that can revive your team. hope this helps.

Feb 22, 2009
Only certain schools can heal other people. I believe that currently the only ones that can are Life, Death, and Balance, with only Life's spells being available for other schools to train.

Alex Dragonbreaker Legendary Storm

Feb 01, 2010
uh? you heal them just like you always heal them even if they're not defeated

Feb 09, 2009
As a general rule, yes. Life is the only school that has healing spells that can heal someone from death (the Death spell Sacrifice is an exception). However, certain equipment offers a healing spell to be added to your deck and you can also take life on as a secondary school.