i have seen lots of wizards around the spiral with a master of ..... myth life storm fire ice balance ect type of badge and i wonder how to get that badge i am a lvl 60 myth wizard and havent gotten any type of badge does anyone know what i am talking about? please help
You can only get the badge for your own school, too (as it is impossible to learn all of the spell of any other school). And as Firefan said, you need every myth spell you can get your hands on. If you don't have the badge, you are still lacking spells.
You have to learn EVERY spell in your school including those from the secret trainers.
Sabrina in WC where the games are. Mildred on Colossus Blvd down by Mindy Croaky in MB Digmore Station downstairs Mortis the Death tree in Nightside
Don't forget the guy on top of the secret shopper store in Krokotopia. ;)
Thanks to gtarhannon and wmeckard for posting about the guy in Krok. I just found him yesterday. I don't have a Myth and did not realize he existed. I totally forget him.