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How do I get Text Chat?!

Mar 02, 2009
Ok, how do I get Text Chat?! I'm tired of seeing speech bubbles with 3 dots and i don't know what their saying! Sometimes people will come up to me and use text chat, and I can't comprehend them so i need Text Chat. Plus it'd be a lot easier for me to express my self...

Please Write Back ASAP -ChieftainAnklor

While developing Wizard101, we realized the style and content of the game would appeal to all ages. As a result of our young audience, we decided to incorporate safeguards that make online play a generally safe and positive experience (especially when dealing with other players).

For our younger players, we have enabled Menu Chat.
If your parent or guardian wishes to grant you our open Text Chat, they can enable the parental controls on your account.
To do this, have them log in and set up a Parental Password.
If they have any questions about what they are doing, please have them read our Parents Section to the left and they can also contact Mr Lincoln via the Help and Support tab.

Dec 13, 2008
Feb 15, 2009
eman170 wrote:
well you could become a member and subscribe or be older than 13
wherte do i go to get it.