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Honestly, I like archmastery

Mar 28, 2019
I've seen some complaints here and there about it, mostly about Rat Spin and Ship of Fools being harder to use, and higher level players in the party negatively affecting school pip buildup, but I appreciate that Archmastery gives players an option to actually do dual-school things without sacrificing an equipment slot, and that your average player doesn't quite have to feel pigeonholed into a specific set of out-of-school spells for their TP spending. I've even considered swapping out my Mastery Amulet for the first time in ever, because its no longer the necessity it was to make my playstyle even function.

It was a little weird to figure out at first, but its similar enough to other games I've played, I caught on quick, though a tutorial might be necessary.

This all makes me wonder, however, when is our next free training point refund gonna be? I don't think I saw one when the update went live, but I'm sure a lot of wizards are gonna wanna go out and try something different now that there are other viable options.