Ok so where are the holiday vendors for Myth and Storm??? I don't think it's fair to leave these schools out of the celebrations through the year while the other schools get holidays dedicated to them.
Valentines = FIRE St. Patricks = LIFE Easter = BALANCE Halloween = DEATH Thanksgiving = LIFE (AGAIN) Christmas = ICE
IMHO... Myth should be the owning school of Easter and Balance should be Thanksgiving since balance represents harmony. Storm needs a holiday also so where is the 4th of JULY, Independence Day Vendor? SPARKY SKYLIGHT?
I completely agree with you on having balance be thanksgiving and myth easter, but I don't agree with celebrating Independence Day/The 4th of July in-game. The reason for this being, well, those are U.S. holidays. What about Canadians, Europeans, ect. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what Storm should be, sorry I can't provide any good ideas, just support.
I completely agree with you on having balance be thanksgiving and myth easter, but I don't agree with celebrating Independence Day/The 4th of July in-game. The reason for this being, well, those are U.S. holidays. What about Canadians, Europeans, ect. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what Storm should be, sorry I can't provide any good ideas, just support.
- Austin the Theurgist
There is a argument, based on your logic for Independence Day, to be made for all holidays.
Thanksgiving is a holiday that is primarily celebrated by North American countries. Easter is a holiday based around religion, mainly Christianity.
Personally, in my honest opinion, this is a game that's targeted towards children. Children love holidays because they are fun, and that is what it should be for them. I would not get into detailed specifics about reasons to have them implemented in the game, in regards to a vendor. Just let the kids have fun.
Well this is an American company and are based in America. Everything in game isn't going to make everyone happy. If you want to be rude in a post about Holiday vendors that they don't even have to put in then that is stupid. It is an opportunity to get limited access pets that's it. If you don't wish to celebrate then simply don't buy the pets... Like everything else in the game industry they cant please everyone. I'm sure that other countries have their own game companies who do put in game holidays based on their home country. Maybe you should look into them if this is such a concern... Sorry to be rude but this just pushed my buttons...
puredeath90 wrote:
I completely agree with you on having balance be thanksgiving and myth easter, but I don't agree with celebrating Independence Day/The 4th of July in-game. The reason for this being, well, those are U.S. holidays. What about Canadians, Europeans, ect. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what Storm should be, sorry I can't provide any good ideas, just support.
I completely agree with you on having balance be thanksgiving and myth easter, but I don't agree with celebrating Independence Day/The 4th of July in-game. The reason for this being, well, those are U.S. holidays. What about Canadians, Europeans, ect. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what Storm should be, sorry I can't provide any good ideas, just support.
I doesn't have to be Independence Day to be celebrated. Many MMOs have a special holiday theme in game, just to celebrate summer (and happen to have fireworks).
Also, this is an American owned and operated server most of us are playing on. The Europeans and Asians have their own servers with slightly different changes from the American version (UK doesn't have some zones as the US and Asian servers won't have pirate skeletons running around). Canadians celebrate independence on July 1st. So it really comes down to the outlying stations beyond those countries.
I completely agree with you on having balance be thanksgiving and myth easter, but I don't agree with celebrating Independence Day/The 4th of July in-game. The reason for this being, well, those are U.S. holidays. What about Canadians, Europeans, ect. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what Storm should be, sorry I can't provide any good ideas, just support.
- Austin the Theurgist
Actually with the exception of Easter and Christmas, all the Holidays that we have vendors for are primarily American Holidays. Many other countries have Holidays similar to our Independence Day, some have Labor Days, and some have celebrations of Fall or harvest festivals. I think Independence Day would be a great day for a Storm vendor (lots of noise and lights in celebration, perfect for Storm).
Is the pet sold at the Easter vendor not a ice pet??? The stats on the wands aren't very good. No use to get them except for the look. So how does that benefit high level bal wizards anyway.. I don't see a need to complain. Seeing as how the wands are not good and the pet isn't even a balance pet... So if Easter is Balance where is the balance pet??