I never see any low level wizards post on these boards! I mean, come on, I'm a level 14, and I post! I just want to take answers from someone with the equivalent problems, not someone with problems that are much bigger. Like, seriously, who in the world is Celestia??? I ask, you, who is she? I don't care who she is, but I want to see some more low level wizards on these message boards. It annoys me when know-it-all wizards try to tell me answers like it's a big deal that I don't understand. Well, news flash! I'm not that high of a level, so get over your attitudes and give me some decent answers with respect. I just want to complete the game like everyone else. Higher level wizards get annoyed with us, which I understand, but, come on, they used to be just like us. I just want respectful answers and someone who shares the same problems to compare with.
I never see any low level wizards post on these boards! I mean, come on, I'm a level 14, and I post! I just want to take answers from someone with the equivalent problems, not someone with problems that are much bigger. Like, seriously, who in the world is Celestia??? I ask, you, who is she? I don't care who she is, but I want to see some more low level wizards on these message boards. It annoys me when know-it-all wizards try to tell me answers like it's a big deal that I don't understand. Well, news flash! I'm not that high of a level, so get over your attitudes and give me some decent answers with respect. I just want to complete the game like everyone else. Higher level wizards get annoyed with us, which I understand, but, come on, they used to be just like us. I just want respectful answers and someone who shares the same problems to compare with.
I may not be a low level wizard but I just had to post on this. Celestia is a world not a person XD. But of course young low level wizards aka noobs don't know much about it. You have to beat malistare to get to celestia. And yea we all started there but still, some low level wizards that don't have experience to the game think they're so cool that they're level 7 or something. plus they don't get anything at all. you put a feint on a a bad guy they waste it with a low level spell. Also they are low levels and don't have chat which means they can hardly understand what you tell them. Sure some of us were there too but still, I wasn't annoying like some other noobs are.
I never see any low level wizards post on these boards! I mean, come on, I'm a level 14, and I post! I just want to take answers from someone with the equivalent problems, not someone with problems that are much bigger. Like, seriously, who in the world is Celestia??? I ask, you, who is she? I don't care who she is, but I want to see some more low level wizards on these message boards. It annoys me when know-it-all wizards try to tell me answers like it's a big deal that I don't understand. Well, news flash! I'm not that high of a level, so get over your attitudes and give me some decent answers with respect. I just want to complete the game like everyone else. Higher level wizards get annoyed with us, which I understand, but, come on, they used to be just like us. I just want respectful answers and someone who shares the same problems to compare with.
Well pretty much we are done with everything.We pwned Malistaire to the Fullest Extent and made him regret the he was freaking born[Exuse my language I just got the Quest and did it lol].We farmed for our Grand gear or are currently doing so.Your level range is still early on and are wanting to do what we did [Finish the Game].Your so concentrated on one thing you dont do another.Sorry if this is conplicated but we are used to talking to Masters and Magusses.We forget that your an initiate and speak to you like your a Master having Trouble on the Crucible [Dragonspyre area if you dont know].So all of us Grands,Masters,and Maguses[Well some of us anyway] forgive you.
Taylor LotusFist Lv.49 Diviner Master of Storm -Knowledge is limited but imagination is Limitless
I never see any low level wizards post on these boards! I mean, come on, I'm a level 14, and I post! I just want to take answers from someone with the equivalent problems, not someone with problems that are much bigger. Like, seriously, who in the world is Celestia??? I ask, you, who is she? I don't care who she is, but I want to see some more low level wizards on these message boards. It annoys me when know-it-all wizards try to tell me answers like it's a big deal that I don't understand. Well, news flash! I'm not that high of a level, so get over your attitudes and give me some decent answers with respect. I just want to complete the game like everyone else. Higher level wizards get annoyed with us, which I understand, but, come on, they used to be just like us. I just want respectful answers and someone who shares the same problems to compare with.
I think lower levels do not really have anything to complain about yet. Well because they are low, and had not experience a lot of the games flaws yet. We all know forums are designed for mostly venting about game problems.
You may be misunderstanding, not all of us are like that. When I answer things, I like to be polite, and tell them nicely. But sometimes people don't play that way, huh? I've seen some people being rude just because someone doesn't understand.
Anyways, good luck with your respect! I'm sure you'll get it. (:
I appreciate your sentiment and frustrations. First I don't know if you were joking or not about Celestia, but it is the new world of the Spiral that is coming out soon. I am generally happy to supply answers to anyone if I have them, I'm not sure what questions you have had thus far. But I tend to help out newer wizards in game rather than on the boards, since they are future fellow GMs. I'm not low level, but not sure what kind of response you were looking for.
Pardon my laughs, but Celestia isnt a "who". Celestia is a new world coming out. You have to be a GM to go there by yourself.
I've seen low levels here! Who else posts about "help" in the Wizard City and Krokotopia areas? It doesn't matter if you are lower than some of us. We were your lvl once. We were ALL noobs. I have be-friended some lower lvls because they are nice, not because of their lvl. And truth be told, I dont always friend all high lvls. No, thats not because they were mean.
Yes, they do. i am not sure how you thought that this is this case but does it really matter
Montana2710 wrote:
I never see any low level wizards post on these boards! I mean, come on, I'm a level 14, and I post! I just want to take answers from someone with the equivalent problems, not someone with problems that are much bigger. Like, seriously, who in the world is Celestia??? I ask, you, who is she? I don't care who she is, but I want to see some more low level wizards on these message boards. It annoys me when know-it-all wizards try to tell me answers like it's a big deal that I don't understand. Well, news flash! I'm not that high of a level, so get over your attitudes and give me some decent answers with respect. I just want to complete the game like everyone else. Higher level wizards get annoyed with us, which I understand, but, come on, they used to be just like us. I just want respectful answers and someone who shares the same problems to compare with.
While I agree there is no excuse for attitude from higher level wizards, most of us (I have 2 grands and an assortment of other wizards) enjoy helping the "lower level" wizards with their questions. And that is sort of the point of the message boards.
You might find it helpful to preface your question with, "I am at level xx and would like help with the following quetion." That way responders know where you are in the game and can adjust their responses accordingly.
BTW, Celestia is a what/where, not a who. Though I am guessing you already knew that.
May I just state something: not all high level wizards are like those in the game. So, before you start accusing any of us about being disrespectful to low levels, most of us don't do that. Also, why most grandmasters are here because we have finished training our wizards and are taking a break from the game to help other people.
Celestia is a new expansion from kingisle. It is a new world featuring the underwater theme. Once you turn level 50, you get a quest from Professor Balestrom, beginning your journey to Celestia.
If you check the update notes, you should be able to find something about it.
I'm never rude to anyone. So, what's your question?
If you're looking for something specific, use the Forum Search at the top of the page. Chances are good your questions have been asked and answered before here.
You'll need to improve your attitude before many people will help you.
hello!!!!!!! you dont get it . some ppl make fun of low lvls. ugh. we are what we are. :( you dont like us , "fine" is what i always say. once again to you.
I'm a level, hmm... I think either 2 or three. yea I'm a level three. Is that low enough for you. I acutally post alott, too. sorry about my spelling. I just woke up and Im drowsy and my shirsts choking me
The reason you don't see many low-levels posting here is because a good percentage of them are too busy porting into places they don't belong,and messing up things for others.
I'm a high level and I have other characters that are lower lvls and unless I tell someone that its me they will treat me badly! Its cruel and rude. So if you are a high lvl that is bossy, STOP! Lower lvls might just be a KI spy! ~Miranda JadeBlossom Level 44, Life/Fire
The reason you don't see many low-levels posting here is because a good percentage of them are too busy porting into places they don't belong,and messing up things for others.
I state once again, a number of the low level/menu chat wizards are young children, many of whom are still learning to read. Of course they are not going to post on a message board.
also if you're looking for low-level wizards you'll most likely find them in the game trying to lvl up and advance in the game, grands and people who already finished the game don't have much to do online so they post here. i'm sorry if you take offense to it, even i did, but you can use it as a reason to lvl up (that's what i did) sometimes it isnt that bad though through out the game when i was a low lvl i met some nice grands who helped me with most of the bosses, point is dont make stereotypes about us all based on what some people do. the relationship between high and low is kinda like high school, seniors take superiority from experience, but not all of us are jerks because of it.
destiny iceheart lvl 50 ice/life/storm thank you if you're reading this and you helped me! (you know who you are) :D christina lifebringer death/fire lvl 32
I am sorry i am not really a low level wiz and i HAVE a wiz in krok now. There is no real differnce between you at your wiz then there is someone with a grand except they have finished the game and WAS a frustrated as you were climbing. So give us a break! We have a lot to say and can help.
The answer to why they aren't more online at the MBs is that (if I remember correctly) everything was NEW and they are too busy fighting.
Grandmasters are here because we are done and have time on our hands.
Lower leveled wizards shouldn't really have too many problems or questions considering that they're supposed to be in the easiest part of the game. And yeah we've all been there and all masters and grandmasters aren't stuck up just because they've completed the game. If anyone any level ever asked me a question i would explain it as best as i good. But i have to say that i am a master and sometimes i don't even get what people are talking about :D
First of all, you need to get a news flash yourself. You don't need to be trolling on Wizard101.com, you need to respect others and their words. I don't go onto you saying "Low wizards are stupid." The reason we have high-wizards is because we actually WORK at what we do. We want to be Grandmasters. So if you don't like it; Too bad. I don't care. Get over yourself.
If it makes you feel any better, Montana, I'm not sure that most new players even know about the message boards until about your level. I know that's about when I found out about it. I am a level 41 wizard, and I was at your level only a month or two ago, and I know from experience that a lot of high level wizards tend to be very proud of their achievements. Some actually adopt new players and help them along, and some just keep playing the game and act like they are superior. It just comes with the territory, kinda like the football captain and his new rookie teammates. Personally, I found the game, joined and just started playing, although if I HAD come here first for all the FaQs, I probably would have gotten to Mooshu a little faster. After I get to Grandmaster and have finished all my quests and gotten all my spells, I fully intend to adopt a new player and guide them along. I don't know when that will be. I'm still trying to beat Mooshu. As far as friending someone, I like to fight a couple battles and talk to the person first, regardless of their level, to see if I like them.Then I try to friend them. I've noticed that I tend to friend players around my level, since they are mostly working on the same quests as I. And I will admit that I may come across as abrupt when I'm trying to figure out how to do the quest I'm currently working on and a newer player asks me a question that has nothing to do with what I was just concentrating on, and I do apologize for that, but I do try to be nice to those who are nice to me. But for now, I wish you success at your gaming. Perhaps you will meet a Grandmaster who will take you under their wing and guide you along. Don't think badly of higher level wizards simply because some think highly of themselves. Some are just trying to figure out their quests.