Let me start off by saying this, Storm wizards have the greatest base damage. Therefore, they are naturally more battle-inclined. It just makes sense. I'm not saying there aren't exceptions to this, but in general that's the way it is. In exchange for the greatest damage, Storm wizards have the lowest health and success rate. Therefore, they are more vulnerable.
In Life wizards' cases, they have the lowest base damage. Therefore, they are naturally less battle-inclined. In exchange for the lowest damage, they have highest health and success rates. They are also the only school that has healing spells. If we look at that information, it makes sense that Life Wizard's main priority in group battles, should be healing their teammates when their health gets too low. When their teammates are not in danger of death, then they should be attacking. I won't deny that Life wizards do have strong offensive spells, but as they are the only school that has healing spells to that extent, that is their specialty and should be their main focus in group battles, along with the occasional offensive spell.
A lot of the Life wizards in this thread have been getting defensive, because they feel like people are calling them weak. Life wizards are NOT weak. They are JUST as strong as all the other schools, although their strength is in a different area, it's as simple as that.
- Nicole, level 57 Storm/Life - Luke SkyWalker, level 38 Life
Only a few things here. Life does NOT have the highest health. And we do fizzle. And that includes on heals occasionally.
And yes, we ARE getting defensive. The OP seems to think that Life wizards should be at the beck and call of all others. My answer to him is this. UNTIL HE WALKS IN THE SHOES OF A LIFE WIZARD, be very careful how you phrase your opinions.
I will stand my ground as I stated in my previous post. If you jump in my battle UN-INVITED, don't expect to get healed. In fact, if you jump in my battle, you better be prepared to fight because I will heal my wizard if needed. If you ask and I say SURE, then I will keep you healed.
Let me start off by saying this, Storm wizards have the greatest base damage. Therefore, they are naturally more battle-inclined. It just makes sense. I'm not saying there aren't exceptions to this, but in general that's the way it is. In exchange for the greatest damage, Storm wizards have the lowest health and success rate. Therefore, they are more vulnerable.
In Life wizards' cases, they have the lowest base damage. Therefore, they are naturally less battle-inclined. In exchange for the lowest damage, they have highest health and success rates. They are also the only school that has healing spells. If we look at that information, it makes sense that Life Wizard's main priority in group battles, should be healing their teammates when their health gets too low. When their teammates are not in danger of death, then they should be attacking. I won't deny that Life wizards do have strong offensive spells, but as they are the only school that has healing spells to that extent, that is their specialty and should be their main focus in group battles, along with the occasional offensive spell.
A lot of the Life wizards in this thread have been getting defensive, because they feel like people are calling them weak. Life wizards are NOT weak. They are JUST as strong as all the other schools, although their strength is in a different area, it's as simple as that.
- Nicole, level 57 Storm/Life - Luke SkyWalker, level 38 Life
I half agree with you and half disagree.
Life wizards, even though as you said are less battle inclined, the only other healing spells they have besides pixie are (as far as i know), unicorn, satyr, and rebirth. All the other spells are attack, and they can do big damage if they have the blades/traps.
My point is, everyone got the Pixie spell. Everyone did. They are capable of healing themselves, just boost your incoming healing a bit and the pixie will heal more. Life wizards are not just healers.
I agree, however, that in dungeons you should have the healers put a couple more heals in their decks. But ask nicely for them to please heal you. If you command them, they most likely won't. If it were me in that situation, i'd just ask them "What's the magic word?" and wait for their answer. If they just blow me off or command again, then I let them die. Their fault, their problem, not mine.
Don't you learn please and thank you in school? This game, it is for younger children, but even they learn it. I'm pretty sure kids younger than four or five aren't playing this game!
Don't shoot me down for this. I am simply stating my opinion. It is okay if you disagree with me, and you are free to state that, but if I see a response saying 'you have no respect for life wizards' or something, than obviously you didn't fully read my post. I have complete respect for life.
Look dude it is not right to think just because we are called life wizards we just set there and heal the whole time that is so stereotype. Sire most of the spell we learn are for healing but it is not like you were given no way to heal yourself if you need health than put multiple copies of the pixie spell in your deck or get itums that increase health. I think I speak for all life wizards when I say this!!!!!!
OK I am new to all this only a level 20 storm wizard I would like to be able to heal people in battle but don't know how can anyone tell me how to heal someone else - I feel terrible when someone gets defeated and i don't know what to do ??????
dolphin66297 wrote:
Let me start off by saying this, Storm wizards have the greatest base damage. Therefore, they are naturally more battle-inclined. It just makes sense. I'm not saying there aren't exceptions to this, but in general that's the way it is. In exchange for the greatest damage, Storm wizards have the lowest health and success rate. Therefore, they are more vulnerable.
In Life wizards' cases, they have the lowest base damage. Therefore, they are naturally less battle-inclined. In exchange for the lowest damage, they have highest health and success rates. They are also the only school that has healing spells. If we look at that information, it makes sense that Life Wizard's main priority in group battles, should be healing their teammates when their health gets too low. When their teammates are not in danger of death, then they should be attacking. I won't deny that Life wizards do have strong offensive spells, but as they are the only school that has healing spells to that extent, that is their specialty and should be their main focus in group battles, along with the occasional offensive spell.
A lot of the Life wizards in this thread have been getting defensive, because they feel like people are calling them weak. Life wizards are NOT weak. They are JUST as strong as all the other schools, although their strength is in a different area, it's as simple as that.
- Nicole, level 57 Storm/Life - Luke SkyWalker, level 38 Life
I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but the below might sound like it. Even to Darkblood.
You call us "Healers"? Well us healers can do much more than heal! You guys were given Pixie for a reason. You dont need us to move up in the game. My death wizard progressed with my Friend, Haley Lifeheart, and yeah sure shes a Life. She heals me when SHE wants NOT when I want. My death uses her drain spells very well. She blades up and than hits hard (lvl 35, :D ). My Life has friends that demand healing when i could be out enjoying myself with other friends -_- so they dont stay on my List very long -_-. Also another thing, you dont need us all the time. You can train Life as a secondary school. Or atleast train up to Satyr. Than use other training points for a strong attack school like Storm and save some training points for Balance Blades. Here's what i think you should do instead of relying on Life wizards all the time. I hope you find this useful for always demanding healing and actually learning how to use spells -_-
Destiny Deathblood lvl 35 death Autumn Pixiegem level 21 Life
Also, Masonsgirl99 , the second healing spell that we get it called Fairy =D. The spell that every other wizard gets is Pixie. =D . And alos I will heal anybody if they ask like this: " Hey, Aut, can you heal me? As you can see, I am low on health and i have a strong spell in my deck. I can use it if i get healed. Please? Or else i might die." I included a please. And it will get the job done. Our role in a big group is to Heal in I'm about to die! situations with a please at the end. That's the only way unless you're one of my bffs and you're very low on health. It HAS to be low health lower than 500 or in 500.
Guys, the only problem you have is that you aren't establishing team roles. Non-text chats can establish that by made phrases. Only because they know. Just because you are text chat doesn't mean you have to use it to establish roles.
After my comment here I have helped a friend in Trial of the Spheres, he had a lower level helping him when I ported in that was in the sun spot of the first cheating boss fight, he began demanding "heal me", this was after I had been hit the most for healing him before so I said "Sure coming right up" and I threw him a Sayre and he asked "What was with the tone?" then my friend began it, heal me so I said "Sure" after I threw him a Sprite I was defeated, said bye guys and fled. Not like that were going to heal me even though my friend was Life.
I know I posted on here complaining in a way but can't we just end this argument already. :( I hate it when people are fighting even in a forum. I am a wizard of peace at least when I'm not in battle :D.
As I always say remember the golden rule treat others the way you want to be treated. Also unless you want a sort of argument like this keep unkind opinions to yourself. If you don't have nice things to post than don't post.
Tonight i watched a life wizard use hitting spells while those around him died. The player evidently does not understand or know what lifes responsibilty in a fight is. I wonder how many others like him are out there. Life was not intended to be a fighter but a healer. His job in a fight is to keep everyone in the fight. How many can heal and fight at same time with four large bosses to kill? Not a wizard in this game can. Their pets might but the pets take the place of the life wizards job and can not heal as good. It is a shame and black eye and mark on a life wizard that will kill instead of heal. I have two life wizards and they are geared with clothes and things to improve their healing not killing. Tonight when i died in the tower there was none to blame but the life wizard assigned to keeping the group alive. Dont expect me to keep you as friend on list if you want to let others die so you can kill. I have removed two wizards now because of this very thing. If you have plans on making a life wizard and you enjoy hitting in the game then i suggest you make a storm, fire or anything but a life. Because few can understand the role Life plays in a fight. I look for life wizards that understand their importance in the game.
thats like saying balance job is to support everyone with traps and blades
ya think that a life wizard must heal everyone in the battle and give up attacking since are attacking spells are ok think again we life wizard strive to live and true we heal but there are momets when the other player health doesnt matter and its not the life wizard's fault if they suddenly die on the turn they casted the winning move
life can be a fighter to harder to be one then other schools but still possible
I have a level 70 life and these comments about how we are just supposed to heal are exactly what upset me in the game. But I have one more annoying thing that always happens to us life wizards in a group of people we don't know. Let's say I'm in Mirror Lake dungeon. I really, really hate the people that only lose about 500-600 health from there original health (not talking about storm here) and start demanding me to heal them. What! Sorry but you still have over 3,000 health and you want me to waste me doing an attack spell so you can be at full health?! Those people will never get a heal from me.
Anyone who has ever been in a dungeon with me, I can ATTACK and HEAL, surprise! I heal almost right at 100% boost because I have the cl crafted items. Because of that, we can use a 2 pip pixie and heal you with about 800 health. So yes it is possible if your smart about it. So yes, life can attack and heal. But don't ever order us around like we are your maid to serve you.
Lastly, all of you who say we have all the life spells so we should heal....ever hear of the Bazaar??? You can buy almost any healing tc spell you want in there, even the balance one. So stop acting like poor me. Like all of us Life wizards keep saying, be nice and don't be a jerk about it and we will help. Otherwise, you're on your own.
This is one incredibly juicy and fantastically delicious thread.
Pretty much every reply said something along the lines of what I had been thinking.
Unless a group/team verbally AGREES and understands, and the life wizard ACCEPTS the agreement of being the designated healer, the Life wizard will not be obligated to do anything. Regardless of what happens.
I absolutely hate the way you think, Darkblood1. It makes sense, of course, but, that attitude just drives the fun out of everything. If life wizards were exclusively designed to do nothing but heal, they would have been created to do only that. Heal. But they can attack, and attack well while at it. So, why not?
I am in the slow process of leveling a life wizard. By default, I will do nothing but heal. But that is only because I have already played wizards that specialize in damage.
darkblood1, let me divide life wizards into three groups:
the ones who play life for the wonderful heals
the ones who play life for the advantage against death (such as me) and other reasons of attack
the ones who play it for both
we are all people. i was deeply offended by your topic because you make it sound like life wizards are other wizard's servants. We are not going to put our lives down for everybody. Some of us fight without healing others when they ask for good stradegy. example:
me: can you heal? otherwizardletssayfireorstorm: no (we are both close to dying) me: x uses satyr on self x otherwizard: x dies x me: x uses fairy on otherwizard x
see? if i had healed otherwizard first, then I would have died, and then otherwizard might have died later, and then who would be around to heal us? No one, that's who. I healed myself first though, to make sure that neither of us died.
Remember, Darkblood1, the you cannot disprove a negative, you can only prove a positive.
Tonight i watched a life wizard use hitting spells while those around him died. The player evidently does not understand or know what lifes responsibilty in a fight is. I wonder how many others like him are out there. Life was not intended to be a fighter but a healer. His job in a fight is to keep everyone in the fight. How many can heal and fight at same time with four large bosses to kill? Not a wizard in this game can. Their pets might but the pets take the place of the life wizards job and can not heal as good. It is a shame and black eye and mark on a life wizard that will kill instead of heal. I have two life wizards and they are geared with clothes and things to improve their healing not killing. Tonight when i died in the tower there was none to blame but the life wizard assigned to keeping the group alive. Dont expect me to keep you as friend on list if you want to let others die so you can kill. I have removed two wizards now because of this very thing. If you have plans on making a life wizard and you enjoy hitting in the game then i suggest you make a storm, fire or anything but a life. Because few can understand the role Life plays in a fight. I look for life wizards that understand their importance in the game.
Hate to break it to you, OP, but I've got some news for you- it is YOUR responsibility to keep yourself alive, no one else's. Life wizards are not just healers, and players can attack or heal as they please.
Tavia (my Life wiz, who is level 24) is definitely the most sustainable- I can take her into a battle at half health and not worry that she's going to die, which is nice. She heals people who need/deserve it, but is not afraid to save her pips and take the enemies down herself- we are not obligated to help you. You have the pixie, just like everyone else, and should use it.
Whether I'm on my Life wiz, my sorcerer, or my necro, the fastest way to get yourself killed is to beg for healing (or anything else). I will ignore people who do this, because I'm not obligated to help you- as the old saying goes, a lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.
Translation: "Healers" are not a convenience for people who don't plan ahead. If you didn't strategize or buff adequately, then you deserve to be defeated.
Just because Life has the most healing spells, does not mean we are meant to heal you. Especially if you're being rude. I personally will not heal you with either of my Life wizards if you're not nice. Yes, I said either. One of my Lifes is a solo player. He doesn't rely on going anywhere with anyone. And he kicks butt. His deck is set up with enough healing that he won't die, but unless I know ahead of time that you need me to heal, your SOL b/c he doesn't stock alot of healing spells. My other life, was made solely to play with a wizard of my sister's. We wanted a pair of wizards that we only play with one another. She's a storm, so deals the majority of our damage, and I'm a life and spend most of my time healing her when she frequently fizzles and constantly gets attacked. If you happen to get in a battle with us, and I notice your health is low, or if my sister's health is low and I'm using a Unicorn, then yes I'll heal you. If you're in a battle with me and you rudely DEMAND that I heal you, don't be surprised if I flee and leave you to die. But if you're nice, and I have the cards (and I'll let you know if I don't) then I have no problem whatsoever with healing you. It all comes down to whether or not you're polite.
A lot of posts have it wrong on healing according to what I have read. A good player <and by good I mean experienced> will heal when the situation dictates regardless of how nice or kind someone is. Everyone has a certain style of play,from Novice to Veteran/Hardcore. When joining a group,your play style of whats best for you,should go out the proverbial window. You should cast your heals for whats best for the group. This is even more imperative in the hardcore/cheat dungeons. A healer has to to know how to play properly in these areas even more. If your the kind of player who wants to be asked nicely, or spam Forest Lord attacks, etc. then you shouldn't be in these groups. The exception being if you CLEARLY make it known that you are not going to do these aforementioned things. To put it succinctly,stop being selfish,and play according to the groups needs,not your own.
k life is good at healing but why are you complaining this just a game and every player has the right to do what they want even if they're leting player's die(i have healed a wizard who was not there do to what i hope was computer problems because he was doing nothing what so ever and it cost me the match)
A lot of posts have it wrong on healing according to what I have read. A good player <and by good I mean experienced> will heal when the situation dictates regardless of how nice or kind someone is. Everyone has a certain style of play,from Novice to Veteran/Hardcore. When joining a group,your play style of whats best for you,should go out the proverbial window. You should cast your heals for whats best for the group. This is even more imperative in the hardcore/cheat dungeons. A healer has to to know how to play properly in these areas even more. If your the kind of player who wants to be asked nicely, or spam Forest Lord attacks, etc. then you shouldn't be in these groups. The exception being if you CLEARLY make it known that you are not going to do these aforementioned things. To put it succinctly,stop being selfish,and play according to the groups needs,not your own.
As I stated before, If you jump into my battle un-invited or without asking, chances are you WILL NOT GET HEALED. If you are PULLED in, and let me know you are sorry about that, then I will do my best to not let you die. This is not being rude or selfish. It is RUDE to jump into someone else's battle without asking first. For all you know, that person may be just killing the last enemy they need to complete a quest. Furthermore, it is extremely Rude to DEMAND that a life wizard heal you. ALL wizards regardless of school are given a heal before completing Unicorn Way. It is their responsibility to keep some loaded.
Like Violet PadFoot, I also have 2 Life wizard. One on each account. The Legendary generally runs solo and only loads enough heals for herself, my GrandMaster life, is currently running with my death GrandMaster in DS. GrandMaster Life is set up to do Heals or Damage if death is holding her own and she usually does.
I have and will if I see someone that may need help due to reduced health, AFTER ASKING first, if they would like some help and letting them know I can and will heal them.
Asking first is just Common Courtesy. Try using it and you may find that more Life wizards will be a lot more gracious.
Whether we should do what is best for the group is decided by the wizard(s). Not decided by some rule set up by people to dictate our actions.
I am fairly certain that it is pretty much common knowledge in Wizard101 that Life wizards are best at healing.
But I will repeat what I had said earlier. If Life wizards were meant to do nothing but sit back and heal, then Life wizards would not have been created to deal any kind of damage. Or any damage that would become useful for anything other than 'fun.'
In groups, communication is important. And for hardcore players, it is even more so. That is always how 'wars' are started. EVERY time, not just Wizard101. In Wizard101, being tailored as a family game, there are many younger players, who might not even know that Life wizards' strength is healing. They may have chosen to play Life wizard because that element appeals to them, or 'looks pretty.'
Whether or not it is for some dungeon, random encounter, or anything else group related, it agreement HAS to be established. And even if it is only a silent kind of agreement, it is usually best if that agreement is confirmed. There may be some exceptions, I am sure, where wizards automatically come up and say "I'll heal, you'll focus on nothing but damage."
It is simply part of the nature of humans to not want to be told what to do, or to be grouped into a category by others' dictations. But it is part of human nature to contribute and help in every way possible if THEY have a choice to decide to do so.
And before people read too far into that most recent statement, I am not talking about the choice of "Either do as we say or GTFO." But the choice of, "We need you to heal, would you be willing to be our healer?" Friendliness goes a long way. No one wants to team up with a snobbish player with a bad attitude.
A lot of posts have it wrong on healing according to what I have read. A good player <and by good I mean experienced> will heal when the situation dictates regardless of how nice or kind someone is. Everyone has a certain style of play,from Novice to Veteran/Hardcore. When joining a group,your play style of whats best for you,should go out the proverbial window. You should cast your heals for whats best for the group. This is even more imperative in the hardcore/cheat dungeons. A healer has to to know how to play properly in these areas even more. If your the kind of player who wants to be asked nicely, or spam Forest Lord attacks, etc. then you shouldn't be in these groups. The exception being if you CLEARLY make it known that you are not going to do these aforementioned things. To put it succinctly,stop being selfish,and play according to the groups needs,not your own.
Life wizards are not the only selfish ones. If you were a Life Wizard, and someone said: "Heal me so I can actually hurt these things" would you feel inclined to give that guy a hand? Life Wizards are people just like us. Sometimes it's their choice to attack.
Tonight i watched a life wizard use hitting spells while those around him died. The player evidently does not understand or know what lifes responsibilty in a fight is. I wonder how many others like him are out there. Life was not intended to be a fighter but a healer. His job in a fight is to keep everyone in the fight. How many can heal and fight at same time with four large bosses to kill? Not a wizard in this game can. Their pets might but the pets take the place of the life wizards job and can not heal as good. It is a shame and black eye and mark on a life wizard that will kill instead of heal. I have two life wizards and they are geared with clothes and things to improve their healing not killing. Tonight when i died in the tower there was none to blame but the life wizard assigned to keeping the group alive. Dont expect me to keep you as friend on list if you want to let others die so you can kill. I have removed two wizards now because of this very thing. If you have plans on making a life wizard and you enjoy hitting in the game then i suggest you make a storm, fire or anything but a life. Because few can understand the role Life plays in a fight. I look for life wizards that understand their importance in the game.
So, its a crime for them to attack instead of you and they are selfish for wanting to attack? Listen here, you are doing the same thing when you say that what they're good for is healing. You think you should get the attack? Gosh, I immediately remove friends who order me around, so maybe he was sick of it and wanted to teach you a lesson.
Don't go blaming the life guy for your mistakes. What he did after you died was his decision and didn't cause you to die, because that already happened.
Besides, you obviously still wouldn't have made it without him, so how is he to blame?
A lot of posts have it wrong on healing according to what I have read. A good player <and by good I mean experienced> will heal when the situation dictates regardless of how nice or kind someone is. Everyone has a certain style of play,from Novice to Veteran/Hardcore. When joining a group,your play style of whats best for you,should go out the proverbial window. You should cast your heals for whats best for the group. This is even more imperative in the hardcore/cheat dungeons. A healer has to to know how to play properly in these areas even more. If your the kind of player who wants to be asked nicely, or spam Forest Lord attacks, etc. then you shouldn't be in these groups. The exception being if you CLEARLY make it known that you are not going to do these aforementioned things. To put it succinctly,stop being selfish,and play according to the groups needs,not your own.
I think you need to read mine and other closer. I dont need to be asked to heal and neither do the rest of us. What we are saying is IF you ask us to heal you, don't be a jerk about it like the guy that started this whole post. Regardless of the group I'm in, I heal and hit when I can depending on the dungeon. My complaint and others is if you want to be healed sooner or EXPECT us to at certain times, again refer to definition of jerk...don't be one, there's no need.
I'm not saying I won't heal of my own volition. I'm saying if you're rude about it or demand that I heal you simply b/c I'm life, you're not getting healed. Were I to accompany you into a dungeon or vice versa, especially if its a long one or has multiple fights, then I'm going to try my hardest to keep us both alive. Part of this is b/c I realize that people will take a life wiz with them into dungeons with that purpose. On the street however, if you jump into my fight, get hurt and demand I heal you, I'm either letting you die or I will flee, and let you die. Either way, I'm not dealing with your rudeness.