Starting on October 1st and ending October 22nd - Decorate your dorm Starting on October 1st and ending October 22nd - Decorate your yard Starting on October 1st and ending October 23rd - Decorate a pumpkin Starting on October 1st and ending October ?? - Pumpkin Hunt Starting on October 1st and ending October 7th - Halloween themed hand drawn picture Starting on October 8th and ending October 15th - Halloween themed computer graphic Starting on October 15th and ending October 22nd - Halloween poem Starting on October 22nd and ending October 29th - "Caption this"
Wiki Masters Starting on October 9th and ending October 15th - Hide and Seek "Find the Wiki Master"
PVP Halloween PVP Event - Signups will start when Spooky Bob appears in the spiral 15-29 30-49 50-59
Crowns Mystery Mount Mystery Pet Mystery Item Nightmare Pet Black Cat Skeletal Pirate Umbra Sword
Bummer. I swear I posted a comment in this section about a week ago and it isnt here :( Cant think of any reason why my comment wouldnt have been posted. It only stated that I was bummed that I couldnt participate in these contests due to wizcentral restrictions on what type of email account you need in order to sign up. We never used the one from our actual email provider so idk what the info would even be. I use aol and yahoo and dont know why we cant use one of those emails to sign up for the account :( Taryn