I have about 50 Treasure Cards (spells) in my inventory but I cannot access them in battles for some reason. As I understand it if you click on delete a spell - right mouse click - then the "Draw" button should highlight and then you draw a Treasure Card spell. But, this doesn't work. So, is there some other kind of process you have to go through to get access to the Treasure card spells? I have written to Tech Support but no answer. PS my deck is completely screwed up. The power packs I have purchased don't work right and cannot tell what pack is associated with what wand if any.
In addition to being in your inventory you have to equip them to your deck.
Open your spell deck (going from memory here, help m e if get the details wrong)
there is an icon in the upper left corner of your spell deck. It toggles between your main spells and your treasure cards. Click for treasure cards. Now you should have a screen that looks similar to your spell deck but the squares are empty. On the right side should be an inventory of your treasure cards sorted by school.
Click on the cards you want in your deck until the boxes are full.
NOW when you are in battle you can discard and draw.