Hello. I have a couple things to say about friends on Wizard101. First of all, I wish we could have unlimited friends on here because I hate having to delete friends when someone else asks me to friend them. I have no problem friending people and offering help.
That being said, one of my biggest pet peeves is when my friends send me a message that simply says Port. First of all, I am a player here and I am doing my own things on here. If you want my help, ask me. Chances are I will be willing to help. But if I do not wish to help at that moment, please respect my wishes and don't keep bugging me.
Don't become friends with someone simply because you want to bug them all the time and you want them to help you to defeat bosses and other things that you are not ready to beat at that moment.
I love this game and I enjoy helping people with their battles. But I also like doing things myself as well. ;)
-I agree. I think Unlimited friends would help extremely. In the manner of that, I recently removed a very close and dear friend to me (Alric Icetail) Because, I had NO room left. And, usually, I only remove people who there wizard doesn't pop up in the picture when you click their name.
And, it is very annoying. When you get a text saying "Port." I simply say "Why?" If they're like "I need help to fight a boss." I'll say, "Just ask me nicely next time." But the only time I do port when someone says "Port" is if we're in a dungeon.
hey dude there is a maaximum friends list of 100 friends because when wizard101 launched it had an unlimited friends list but the problem was with an unlimited friends list it took to much time to load between areas so KI dialed the maximum back to 100 but due to community feedback they MIGHT expand it but there will always be a maximum friends ( alllllllwaaaayyyyys ) about those people friending you i'll tell you this like almost like 20% people do this so its rare that will happen