Wizards has gone from being fun and relaxing to NOT FUN and FRUSTRATING!!!!!
i expect the wild bolt to fizzle, that is just the way you choose to do it. FINE i get it. but over the last few months, the fizzle rate has gone through the roof. if this is part of your plan, i will not renew at the end of my subscription. it has taken the fun right out of the game and i know i am not the only one who is disgusted with it. my grand master life never use to fizzle now it does on a regular basis. and as to my other wizards some grand others almost there, they fizzle so much that i am leaving wizards to play other online games. if you are interested in feed back, then take a second look at your game and put the fun back in it.
Yup listen I fizzle on centaur, you gotta fizzle at least SOME so I try it again, guess what another fizzle, I expected myself to just be having bad luck that day but guess what it fizzled a 3rd time to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and on my death death is supposed to have the second best accuracy along with a few other things like balance and death fizzles WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY more than they give it credit for!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop complaining. It's part of the game, if you don't like it and are willing to quit, then that is your own fault. I'd take it to an alternative manner. If you fizzle more, then you might as well.
I agree with you, the fizzles are just SICKENING! I tried to throw out FIVE level 4 spells in a row and EACH TIME IT FIZZLED! I'm sick of it too, all my characters are fizzing to some degree but fire, ice and storm are just TERRIBLE! And I also noticed that sometimes when you throw out some spells, sometimes they don't even give the minimum amount of hit points, and its not because you have a weakness on you. KingsIsle messed it up through this last update, now they need to fix it. I'm tired of dying because of getting so many fizzes in a row. And it's not because I don't know how to play the game, I've been playing for over a year now with 6 different characters, but THIS FIZZING HAS TO STOP so PLEASE FIX IT!
Agreed 100%. Life is suppose to have the best accuracy out of all the other schools, and My life would FIZZLE a heal like every other turn. The fun has drained from W101, The FIZZLE problem has been addressed MANY, MANY times to KI, It was beaten to death, and beaten some more, that this has to change and the rate did not get better it totaly got WORST! I too will not renew my sub if this growing problem is not fixed SOON.
Its been coming to cross my fingers that a heal spell will go off for me when I need it to...Better yet EVERY spell or my wizs dies do to a spell FIZZLE and low hit points.
My life wizard fizzles on satyr a little over half the time. Obviously the percentages to casting has nothing at all to do with actual in game casting percentages. For awhile there, a joke was, hey my 90% satyr is continuously fizzling but at least your 10% wild bolt is still casting most of the time.
The way cards are being shuffled also appears to be very non random, unless you call continuously stacking either all the shields or the attacks or the blades at the very end of the deck random. There always seems to be one or two cards that are always grouped at the very end of the deck in a very non-random sort of way.
You would think wizards would have the human resources and technological know how to be able to develope a fairly good randomization mechanism (isn't such programming knowledge a good 30 years or so old?).
I don't know what is going on, but the fizzle rate no longers seems to have anything to do with the spell's accuracy or even any accuracy boosts you have. Fizzle rate has definately increased.
Come on guys. without fizzle the game would be boring. To see that every time you use some thing it works. We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predciable ( sry spelling ) and fizzles can sometimes make you win are add a loss. Wasnt there at least one time when you wish you opponent would fizzle.
Come on guys. without fizzle the game would be boring. To see that every time you use some thing it works. We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predciable ( sry spelling ) and fizzles can sometimes make you win are add a loss. Wasnt there at least one time when you wish you opponent would fizzle.
Come on guys. without fizzle the game would be boring. To see that every time you use some thing it works. We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predciable ( sry spelling ) and fizzles can sometimes make you win are add a loss. Wasnt there at least one time when you wish you opponent would fizzle.
I agree completely.
yeah but to fizzel 3 or 4 times is a little frustrating. i agree that it wouldn't be fun without fizzels but just lower the fizzel rate so you only fizzel once or twice that's all 8)
Come on guys. without fizzle the game would be boring. To see that every time you use some thing it works. We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predciable ( sry spelling ) and fizzles can sometimes make you win are add a loss. Wasnt there at least one time when you wish you opponent would fizzle.
I agree completely.
Not saying I want every single one of my cards to work every single time..A statement has been bought up about Fizzling rate, and people are responding in agreements.
This person wants to know what is going on, and why has the possible FiZZling of all cards, seemed to be a lot more chance a card will Fizzle then it USE to be. Yes the cards display percentages, but those percentages are NOW more Inaccurate at most.
Their is a fine line between a boring game, and an almost impossible game. The original poster is CORRECT on his statement, and I am behind this person all the way. I as well as many others agree that the Fizzle rate is ridiculous, and it needs to be fixed, HANDS DOWN. If it does not get fixed people will just drop their subs, and crown buying, and stick their money into another game, simple as that. I too will be one of those people, if it doesn't get fixed soon.
I too have noticed an increase in the fizzle rate,but i don't think it is as horrible as everyone seems to make it out to be. It just makes combat more interesting and challenging to me. I can see why others would disagree though.
Simple solution just raise all the accuracies 5% except on wild bolt that way nothing is a hundred percent accuracy. Hope this helps if it goes through
Sean Ironflame Lvl 50 Grandmaster Pyromancer (that doesn't fizz hardly at all) Sean Stormblade Lvl 36 Magus Diviner (he has his moments when he fizzles but maybe thats because I try to use to many wild bolts O .o See ya in the Spiral ( I'm pretty sure this doesn't fizzle but who knows I do see plenty of it
I don't mind the fizzle rate being increased in different areas of play, but what I do mind is the lower percentage rate casts being successfully cast way more often than the higher percentage rate casts. Wild bolt is typically a prime example as in the past it casts successfully most of the time dispite having a near impossible casting rate. That a 90% satyr is failing over 50% of the time when lesser casting chance spells are casting most all of the time raises eyebrows that something is immensely wrong.
You do realize you are all saying you want the game to be 100% predictable. And fizzles save as well as kill you, but that is part of the game. If there were no fizzles everything about this game would be boring. EVERY game that is good has a chance for you to miss something. If you are angered by something like this, then stop playing ALL games, not just this good one.
Come on guys. without fizzle the game would be boring. To see that every time you use some thing it works. We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predciable ( sry spelling ) and fizzles can sometimes make you win are add a loss. Wasnt there at least one time when you wish you opponent would fizzle.
I agree completely.
Same here. Yeah fizzles can be annoying sometimes, but as jjkl put it, "We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predictable."
Come on guys. without fizzle the game would be boring. To see that every time you use some thing it works. We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predciable ( sry spelling ) and fizzles can sometimes make you win are add a loss. Wasnt there at least one time when you wish you opponent would fizzle.
I agree completely.
Same here. Yeah fizzles can be annoying sometimes, but as jjkl put it, "We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predictable."
Catherine Windrider Lvl 49 Balance
You guys aren't reading these posts. We're not complaining about fizzling -- we all know it's part of the game. Yet, since the latest update and patches have come out, the fizzling rate has increased to the point that Life, Death and Balance are fizzling more often than Storm or Fire. It's almost as if, while the card's accuracy says one thing, the actual accuracy being applied is something else entirely. And, since these schools have little to no accuracy boosts in their equipment (already having the highest accuracy of all the rest of the schools), there seems to be no way for us to counter this offset.
Come on guys. without fizzle the game would be boring. To see that every time you use some thing it works. We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predciable ( sry spelling ) and fizzles can sometimes make you win are add a loss. Wasnt there at least one time when you wish you opponent would fizzle.
I agree completely.
Same here. Yeah fizzles can be annoying sometimes, but as jjkl put it, "We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predictable."
Catherine Windrider Lvl 49 Balance
You guys aren't reading these posts. We're not complaining about fizzling -- we all know it's part of the game. Yet, since the latest update and patches have come out, the fizzling rate has increased to the point that Life, Death and Balance are fizzling more often than Storm or Fire. It's almost as if, while the card's accuracy says one thing, the actual accuracy being applied is something else entirely. And, since these schools have little to no accuracy boosts in their equipment (already having the highest accuracy of all the rest of the schools), there seems to be no way for us to counter this offset.
I'm sure it hasn't increased, I think you guys just think it has. There's no way they fizzle more than storm or fire. It won't hurt you to fizzle every once in a while.
Come on guys. without fizzle the game would be boring. To see that every time you use some thing it works. We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predciable ( sry spelling ) and fizzles can sometimes make you win are add a loss. Wasnt there at least one time when you wish you opponent would fizzle.
I agree completely.
Same here. Yeah fizzles can be annoying sometimes, but as jjkl put it, "We have to have fizzle or it would just be so predictable."
Catherine Windrider Lvl 49 Balance
You guys aren't reading these posts. We're not complaining about fizzling -- we all know it's part of the game. Yet, since the latest update and patches have come out, the fizzling rate has increased to the point that Life, Death and Balance are fizzling more often than Storm or Fire. It's almost as if, while the card's accuracy says one thing, the actual accuracy being applied is something else entirely. And, since these schools have little to no accuracy boosts in their equipment (already having the highest accuracy of all the rest of the schools), there seems to be no way for us to counter this offset.
when a 90% satyr (a healing card) fizzles over half the time, something is wrong
I too have noticed an increase in the fizzle rate,but i don't think it is as horrible as everyone seems to make it out to be. It just makes combat more interesting and challenging to me. I can see why others would disagree though.
i agree,its fun and challenging,but it can be annoying sometimes
Wizards has gone from being fun and relaxing to NOT FUN and FRUSTRATING!!!!!
i expect the wild bolt to fizzle, that is just the way you choose to do it. FINE i get it. but over the last few months, the fizzle rate has gone through the roof. if this is part of your plan, i will not renew at the end of my subscription. it has taken the fun right out of the game and i know i am not the only one who is disgusted with it. my grand master life never use to fizzle now it does on a regular basis. and as to my other wizards some grand others almost there, they fizzle so much that i am leaving wizards to play other online games. if you are interested in feed back, then take a second look at your game and put the fun back in it.
from a very frustrated fizzling wizard
I came back to the game recently and I noticed the bigger fizzle rate. Especially since my first toon was a fire wizard.
This is a matter which affects all games that have a PVP option. PVP messes up PVE gameplay. Obviously the game needed to cut down on schools with a high accuracy rate because they probably seemed overpowered in the arena.
So thank arena for your PVE fizzle upgrade.
Incidentally, I would agree with the higher fizzle rate for all if I was a PVP player in the game but I am not. I go to PVP games for that action not Wizard 101.
Wizards has gone from being fun and relaxing to NOT FUN and FRUSTRATING!!!!!
i expect the wild bolt to fizzle, that is just the way you choose to do it. FINE i get it. but over the last few months, the fizzle rate has gone through the roof. if this is part of your plan, i will not renew at the end of my subscription. it has taken the fun right out of the game and i know i am not the only one who is disgusted with it. my grand master life never use to fizzle now it does on a regular basis. and as to my other wizards some grand others almost there, they fizzle so much that i am leaving wizards to play other online games. if you are interested in feed back, then take a second look at your game and put the fun back in it.
from a very frustrated fizzling wizard
I came back to the game recently and I noticed the bigger fizzle rate. Especially since my first toon was a fire wizard.
This is a matter which affects all games that have a PVP option. PVP messes up PVE gameplay. Obviously the game needed to cut down on schools with a high accuracy rate because they probably seemed overpowered in the arena.
So thank arena for your PVE fizzle upgrade.
Incidentally, I would agree with the higher fizzle rate for all if I was a PVP player in the game but I am not. I go to PVP games for that action not Wizard 101.
Hmm now that I think about it, every PVE/PVP game has its growing problems. PVE and PVP can never co-inside with one or the other. KI should introduce PVP realms only, or better yet a whole new strictly PVP game. So us PVE players do not have to deal with weaker spells, and Fizzle rates being the worst its ever been. Just because some PVP player whined about something being overpowered in arenas. Now us PVE players have to deal with the growing problems because of whinners in the arena?
PvP players go to a PVP game, that is based strictly only to PVP, with no reminents of PVE anywheres There are thousands of strictly PVP games out their. Magic the gathering, for an example, being one of them. "What they are to hard for, you whaaa.??!" Cry me a river QQ. Please stop messing up the PVE players experience in the game, because you people want an "I win Button" in arena duels, Learn to play your class better and stop whining about, this is Over powered, that is over powered. Yeah, I read the PVP forums for W101 too, most of it is whinning about spells being to strong. It needs to be changed Blah, blah.