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Fire or Ice?

Oct 05, 2012
Ive tried the fire school and ice school,which one is the best school?

Oct 24, 2010
PhoenixMercury on Nov 17, 2012 wrote:
Ive tried the fire school and ice school,which one is the best school?
There is no 'best school.' It's all a matter of preference. ALL schools can be powerful, accurate, etc., depending on the wizard and the gear chosen.
I prefer Ice over Fire, that's my preference.

Sep 27, 2009
Jul 27, 2012
PhoenixMercury on Nov 17, 2012 wrote:
Ive tried the fire school and ice school,which one is the best school?
Fire is the second best school, and ice is the least best school there is.

Feb 25, 2012
Straight away, didnt read any comment or question just title and straight away i say ice, they are equal but what side schools you choose are the difference, so in my opinion i think the best combination would be ice with life storm and balance as sides.
but i am life with death myth (all of my myth spells come from my pet amulet wand and clothing) balance and ice as sides.

Gabriel ashleaf level 41 theurgist

Feb 13, 2009
In my opionon ice is the best school, it totally suits me. If you are smart funny and kind i am sure you will love being an ice wizard

if you are looking for me i am Sophia Rainbow Gem level somewhere in the 40's

Oct 01, 2012
Oct 24, 2010
Deltafirelord on Nov 27, 2012 wrote:
Fire is the second best school, and ice is the least best school there is.
actually no

Jan 02, 2011
Well none of the schools are really better or worse,but fire is one of my favorites

Scarlet Silverhunter
Grandmaster Sorcerer

Nov 26, 2011
I'm actually kinda both. But if you perfer damage and offense BUT less defense and health, then fire.
But, if you like lots of health and great defense, BUT not as offense, then ice.
You could also make characters of both though..

Feb 19, 2010
I dont want to get into a discussion on what schools are better than others because it depends on you.
If you want more damage and shorter battles choose fire. If you want to tank more and rely a little more on a group and dont mind longer battles then choose ice.
Both are good schools but in the end you must decide what you want to do to determine which to choose.
I myself dont have an ice promethian yet, But i do have a fire and he soloed most of the entire game himself and not with to much difficulty.

Apr 23, 2010
I am personally a Fire wizard because, of it's powerful damage and descent accuracy. But it's health has to be worked on by gear. Usually starting on that should be 25-30. PVP Wise Ice is superier because of Immunity :/.

Jul 18, 2011
I prefer Ice, because of the high health, and the resistance and the other stats.
But even though it does low damage, you still can shield yourself waiting for an attack.
So... Ice.

But Fire is pretty powerful

They're both good in their own ways.

~ Jenna Wintergem / Natalie Fireblossom

Jun 30, 2012
The strongest school is storm but the one that comes in handy is life ice and fire are both regular schools but ice is the weakest school there is so FIRE! Robert Dragonwhisper grandmaster fire

Aug 09, 2009
PhoenixMercury on Nov 17, 2012 wrote:
Ive tried the fire school and ice school,which one is the best school?
Either one is a good school, but I prefer Ice over Fire because well, I'm an Ice Wiz. xD Many people say Ice is the weakest school, but I disagree. Ice has the most life, so it is difficult for monsters (or other wizards if you are going to pvp) to defeat them.

Either school is great, but I prefer Ice over Fire.

~ Scarlet Cloud Thaumaturge - Lvl 34

Dec 11, 2011
First thing is first, do not listen to anybody that TELLS you to go to one or another. They are wrong. You must decide for yourself. It comes down to defense and attack. If you want to hit hard, fire. But they lack defense. If you want to go defense, pick ice, but they lack attack. It's your decision. Do not let people say ICE!!!! or FIRE!!!! choose for you.

-Gtafreak101, the returning Archmage.

Oct 28, 2012
Well there really is no "better school" when you think about it. All schools have their advantages and disadvantages. But i prefer ice in this case. Ice has better accuracy and best shielding in my opinion. Not only that but my birth stone is sapphire :D

Jun 14, 2011
I'm an ice wizard, but I don't say fire is bad. There's no best and worst school. All schools are equal. Like, my school has lots of health but weak spells and storm has strong spells but they fizzle a lot.

Dec 01, 2008
My personal favourite would have to be Ice. My main is an Ice Wizard, and survivability in battles is great because she has extremely high health points, and I have heard that Ice gets the highest health points in the game. Plus, there's also higher accuracy when casting spells and shields to mitigate damage. In terms of the MMO Trinity, Ice would actually be the tanking class. And of course, like all tanking classes, damage output would be the weakest.

But Fire is good too. It's a DPS class, so there is higher damage output, but less health points and accuracy.

Jun 14, 2012
Dec 19, 2010
xX Phoenix Xx on Dec 21, 2012 wrote:
The strongest school is storm but the one that comes in handy is life ice and fire are both regular schools but ice is the weakest school there is so FIRE! Robert Dragonwhisper grandmaster fire
Not true storm has the least health and ice has a ton of health and resist. Ice is not the worst and storm is not the best.

Feb 19, 2010
PhoenixMercury on Nov 17, 2012 wrote:
Ive tried the fire school and ice school,which one is the best school?
The best school is always the one that you pick. Because all schools are the best and whichever you pick it will be a good school.

Jun 08, 2011
I have a level 66 fire and a level 37 ice, and I would have to say that (although fire was my first school) ice is easier. At least, for me.
On my fire wizard, Fiona, it seems like I'm always barely finishing battles without dying. Sometimes this makes it more exciting, like in Marleybone-Dragonspyre. After Dragonspyre, Celestia just got too hard for Fiona. It's very annoying having to ask for help with almost every single boss.
On my ice wizard, Natalie, I can do almost every battle easily. I know some people complain about ice's low attacks, but Natalie has no trouble with that because her secondary is storm. She gets the health and resist and defense of ice, and the damage of storm. I know using storm attacks will stop working as well once she advances and power pips become more important, and Stormzilla and Kraken stop being so powerful, but by then ice is powerful enough to survive on its own.

Dec 15, 2012
PhoenixMercury on Nov 17, 2012 wrote:
Ive tried the fire school and ice school,which one is the best school?
None are the best...well i chose ice because sapphire is my birthstone but....no school is best!
I say both because I dont't like online fights!

Jan 13, 2010
Deltafirelord on Nov 27, 2012 wrote:
Fire is the second best school, and ice is the least best school there is.
For me I would say ice is the better school because it can almost do 20000 damage and has so much health and resistance

Cole Dunerunner lvl 83 balance