I think there should be bosses in Dragonspyre that drop all of the grandmaster gear for each school. It's been really hard trying to get my grandmaster gear, because every time i farm the boss i get a different school's gear. I am trying to find an easier way..... any tips comment!
i not a grand but i think you should fight a boss thats your school so maybe a better chance you can get the grand gear i just kinda thought about that
Let me tell you what bosses drop what from each school note only five bosses in dragonspyre drop grand gear and they are the following: Malistaire: He drops the robes for every school and only he drops them so no shot at getting these from other bosses Yeva SpiderKeeper: drops: The hats for: Myth, Death, and ice. The shoes for: Storm, and Fire. Viktor SnowCrusher: drops: the hats for: Fire and Storm. The shoes for: Ice, Balance, and Life. Kraysys: Drop: the hats for: Life and Balance. The shoes for: Myth and Death Tumok Gravelbeard: drops the grand gear dropped by Kraysys, Yeva, and Viktor Meanwhile the gurtok bosses in the great spyre drop the Athames and rings for each school, the piercer drops the athames while the firebender drops the rings. Note: Only the bosses listed here drop these items so dont try farming anyone else for them. i know its hard to get them but hey they're grand gear what do you expect? It's gonna require hard work unless your one of those lucky people of which i am not cause viktor wont give me the balance boots and i have been farming for days. Hope i helped :) Fire is the true Balance!
Sadly, there's no advice I can give that you want to hear. I think if KI was to make bosses that dropped all the equipment of one school at one time, all the overzealous thrillseekers would be disappointed, saying they "took the adventure out of farming" and "ruined the game" (even though that obviously makes no sense whatsoever). It would, in my opinion, make things a little too easy and a bit unfair. Coming from me, that's bad. All I can really tell you is don't give up. Look online for boss drop guides (I've played through Dragonspyre twice and I'm sure it doesn't work the way Orbit100 said, no offense) and farm the heck out of the bosses. I was farming for a Storm wand in Dragonspyre and I didn't get it until my 19th try, but I got it. It will take time, but it'll happen.