Simple question really,i just got this new spell and expected it to be better than what i already have ,but checking it over it is actually worse,go figure.
I can cast Satyr for 220 a pip,or the other Satyr card for 240 a pip and not waste any power pips. This new Dryad card WILL use all my pips weather i like it or not and waste power pips and only gives 200 heal per pip,so seems odd they would add a card that is much less effective than a card we get at lower levels.
So is there some purpose to this card that i am missing??Any massive heal i will never need as the Satyr card cast as a Life player,with a 0 pip boost is more than plenty.
As you go along, you will find uses for it. For one thing, you can cast it with only one pip and get 200 health or more if you're boosted. That's more than the zero pip health card and less than the two pip card, but sometimes that's all you need to stay alive in a fight. It's also a good card to use at the end of a fight if you know the enemy is going down by someone else's spell. The biggest advantage is that you can put in all your satyrs into the deck AND a couple of nymphs and have more healing spells than just the number of satyrs your deck allows. Mostly it just gives you some flexibility. But yes, you do have to weigh the disadvantage of using all your pips when you go to use it. Oh, and the boys just LOVE that spell. :D
You will find a great use for it later. My wife and I play together all the time and using only 6 pips total I can bring her back to full from 0 and shes got over 3500 hp on her Ice GM. granted its based on both of us having boosts but for 1-14 pips its an awesome spell. I dont ever use pixie and I only keep one satyr in my deck with 7 dryads and 4 rebirths (lvl48). But you are right when you only have 4 pips the other spells are better when you break them done to raw numbers.
Simple question really,i just got this new spell and expected it to be better than what i already have ,but checking it over it is actually worse,go figure.
I can cast Satyr for 220 a pip,or the other Satyr card for 240 a pip and not waste any power pips. This new Dryad card WILL use all my pips weather i like it or not and waste power pips and only gives 200 heal per pip,so seems odd they would add a card that is much less effective than a card we get at lower levels.
So is there some purpose to this card that i am missing??Any massive heal i will never need as the Satyr card cast as a Life player,with a 0 pip boost is more than plenty.
It is useful indeed especially if one of your ice friends happen to get defeated it will heal them right up. Unless you are a good healer ice wizards can be just as hard to fix up as they are to defeat.