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Double Card questoin

Aug 21, 2009
It is a $39 card that comes with a month's subscription and all types of other stuff. My question is whether in addition to all of that a player also gets their choice of applaying the card towards crowns or subscription. Is the double card a gift card of items plus a months subscription or is it all of that plus the standard choice of additionally applying it towards crowns or subscription. Either way, I do like the idea of a card that gives something other than just a pet that actually contains good items as such items do help to differentiate players a bit more (differentiation is good, overpowering specific players for the sake of sales is not as it makes everyone else want to quit).

The answer you seek is right on the Gift Cards page

GameStop $39 Prepaid Card here have been shipped to GameStop stores across the USA & should appear on shelves around November 1st!

This Double Card comes with:
->a 1 Month Subscription at $9.95 or 5000 Crowns
->Fantasy Palace Castle
->Additional Castle Space Elixir*
->Minigame Kiosk Housing Item
->Gryphon Mount
->Ancient Spear of Power
->Epic Clothing Set
->Mystery Dueling Pet

*If you already have three houses on your character, you must claim this elixir before you claim the Castle!

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.