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Did the quest length change?

Sep 20, 2022
It took me six years to get up to Khrysalis and not because I took breaks (because I was addicted to this game from 2010-2016). But I remember how LONG those quests would take and it would take me days just to complete worlds. Months, even. They must've shortened the length of quests and storylines because I got through Krok and Marleybone in 2 days.

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
ashleyhawk154 on Oct 15, 2022 wrote:
It took me six years to get up to Khrysalis and not because I took breaks (because I was addicted to this game from 2010-2016). But I remember how LONG those quests would take and it would take me days just to complete worlds. Months, even. They must've shortened the length of quests and storylines because I got through Krok and Marleybone in 2 days.
I don't think they lowered the amount of quests, maybe the skills (or combined effort of allies) acquired could be at explain for the faster questing?

May 11, 2013
ashleyhawk154 on Oct 15, 2022 wrote:
It took me six years to get up to Khrysalis and not because I took breaks (because I was addicted to this game from 2010-2016). But I remember how LONG those quests would take and it would take me days just to complete worlds. Months, even. They must've shortened the length of quests and storylines because I got through Krok and Marleybone in 2 days.
story is the same, you have just gotten better and learned to do battles quicker. there are more guides out then there was back then, and if you do/do not do side quests plays a role in it as well. Some side quests have been removed. But for the most part Arc 3 was nerfed Health wise a while back.

Dec 27, 2014
ashleyhawk154 on Oct 15, 2022 wrote:
It took me six years to get up to Khrysalis and not because I took breaks (because I was addicted to this game from 2010-2016). But I remember how LONG those quests would take and it would take me days just to complete worlds. Months, even. They must've shortened the length of quests and storylines because I got through Krok and Marleybone in 2 days.
Ashley I noticed the same thing. It's as if there's far fewer quests than there used to be. I was in Mooshu not too long ago and even though I was doing side quests, it was done so quickly. I observed that going through the teleporter to a particular area, I haven't done any quests there. Obviously there must've been quests in the past or why would they have put the teleporter there?

Jul 29, 2018
The story is pretty much the same. However, they had done an audit a few years ago which decreased enemy health and adjusted some spells. Plus they added teleporters to get around faster. The worlds were quick to begin with but they are somewhat easier now too.

Arc 2 starts pushing into longer worlds with greater challenge, however there are gear sets we can get which make it somewhat easy. The critical system also changed to scale more with level than anything else.

After arc 2, the worlds started to become shorter again, only taking a day or two to complete if you really go at it. However side quests started to have greater challenge. And some of the worlds / fights are a bit tougher to beat and have more gimmicks that you can face. (my death had a totally different experience than my storm purely based on gimmicks)

And like someone else mentioned again, you gain game knowledge which can help improve your playstyle and flow