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Death/Fire vs. Fire/Death

Jun 23, 2009
I usually play on my Ice/Life wizard, but am looking for a change and was wondering if Fire/Death or Death/Fire are equal in power or is one slightly better. I'm sure the both have some advantages and was wondering if anyone here could explain what the difference between the two are, if there are any.
I am a subscriber and plan to do some dueling once I level up some.

Jul 08, 2009
Here's what I found after playing the game through with a few different characters.

1. If Fire is your primary school, you will fizzle more than you may like. It has good power but you will need to address healing in some capacity.

2. Death is probably the best overall school in my humble opinion. My reasoning is that you can heal and attack. With the modifiers available in the game you can attack for huge amounts and convert half of that into healing.

As I got stronger with the different characters, death stood out for one reason to me, it doesn't need a secondary school. As you go further into the game, you will be using mostly spells from your primary school and some from your secondary. You will use your secondary school more if you chose life and need healing. With death if offers both and I find myself using only a handful of different spells in each battle. Death is also easy to learn and once you figure out the trick to putting your shields and attacks together, you will get more healing than a pixie card will give you, and later in the game you will rival the Satyr card from the life school for healing. I hope this helps.

Aug 09, 2009
From what I have read on the subject it would seem that the majority lean toward a Fire/Death Combo with Fire being your direct damage power and death leaning in its support with Zombie/Vampire damage+heal spells. The combo of that seems pretty sweet in theory.