Hi, i am really sad that the death school doesn't have more hit all spells :( , can we please have more of them? :D
Young wizard your scarecrow played correctly will more then do for carrying you though Avalon. It's all about a blade or 2 and trap here and there and some nice boosts form the Sun spells that start at level 50.
Other schools also get only one AOE spell and it comes down to learning how to work it.
Hi, i am really sad that the death school doesn't have more hit all spells :( , can we please have more of them? :D
True, all we can do now is pump crow well and get critical gear to hit at maximum damage hoping it will not be blocked. I dont play PvP but im guessing a better AOE will help a lot.
Im happy with crow atm though.
Archmages Ronan Lionhand Fiona Stardust Jose Winterbane Brahm
Hi, i am really sad that the death school doesn't have more hit all spells :( , can we please have more of them? :D
Young wizard your scarecrow played correctly will more then do for carrying you though Avalon. It's all about a blade or 2 and trap here and there and some nice boosts form the Sun spells that start at level 50.
Other schools also get only one AOE spell and it comes down to learning how to work it.
brwac it's true for any spell, any damage spell that played correctly will more then do for carrying you though Avalon. I don't see how it do with wykle12 request? Nobody said scarecrow is bad. You need to understand that the game should be balanced, playing only with one spell is not nearly effective as playing with different.
No offense but your second argument that "Other schools also get only one AOE spell" is like you don't know anything about other schools. AOE school spells: Balance: Sandstorm, Power Nova, Ra = 3 AOE spells Storm: Tempest, Storm lord, Siren = 3 AOE spells Fire: Meteor Strike, Fire Dragon, Rain Of fire = 3 AOE spells Ice: Blizzard, Giant, Ice angel = 3 AOE spells Myth: Humongofrog, Earthquake = 2 AOE spells