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Complete open chat issue

Mar 16, 2010
i am over 18 and I still do not have the option for complete chat. The chat option that is color coded without dotting out the words. Is there anyway I can fix that?

Nov 08, 2015
Heart12614 on Oct 16, 2018 wrote:
i am over 18 and I still do not have the option for complete chat. The chat option that is color coded without dotting out the words. Is there anyway I can fix that?
The Open Chat issue is kinda complicated. The way it works is that your "birthday" is the day you made your account, and you'll only be able to get Open Chat when your account says that the age on it is at least 18. For example, if you said you were 13 years old and you made your account on October 17, 2018, then Open Chat will show up exactly 5 years later on October 17, 2023.

Now here is where it gets complicated. There is a US law (I forget the exact name of it) that prohibits websites (like Kingsisle) from storing personal information if a person is 12 or younger. Therefore, if you said you were at least 12 or younger when you made your account, then there is technically no age even stored on the account, so you will never get Open Chat. Unfortunately, I see that you made your account back in 2010, and because it is now 8 years later, then you must not have said you were at least 13... I'm sorry, but the only way to get around this is to start over on a new account or ask Kingsisle to transfer your characters over.

Mar 16, 2010