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Changing Primary class.

Nov 25, 2010
There needs to be a way to switch your primary class. Many many people want to do it including me. I have a 61 storm and i want to be myth or ice. And Ki, your losing people because of this. You say for us to create a new charater but people could have spent years getting to the lvl they are now! ( I did :l). Nobody wants to go back through the game again... If you are able to get your wizard to the lvl he/she is now, then why not be allowed to switch? Make it so Mr. Lincon can exchange you class for another. What harm would this do? You would still be the same exact lvl. And if you make it a good amount of crowns then people wont keep on switching. Please do this? :-(

Jul 03, 2010
The complications to class switch would be far to difficult.

If you stitch spells do you get the pets too or the quests to get them? What spells do you want to bother with and which do you want to pass on? All your current ice gear is useless.

In the end make another wizard, work on it here and there till you get friends or switch your current ones and raise it the old fashion way - one level at a time.

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
isaiahcrabbe159357 wrote:
There needs to be a way to switch your primary class. Many many people want to do it including me. I have a 61 storm and i want to be myth or ice. And Ki, your losing people because of this. You say for us to create a new charater but people could have spent years getting to the lvl they are now! ( I did :l). Nobody wants to go back through the game again... If you are able to get your wizard to the lvl he/she is now, then why not be allowed to switch? Make it so Mr. Lincon can exchange you class for another. What harm would this do? You would still be the same exact lvl. And if you make it a good amount of crowns then people wont keep on switching. Please do this? :-(

wow your like the oppisit of me ( lvl 62 ice) and i want my storm to get to a higher lvl ( 32 or so right now) yet your storm lvl 61 and you want a high lvl ice
weird cowincidence or however ya spell it lolzed

and personally i say if ya didnt notice ya didnt like the spells after coming this far then its surprising sry but its just you had all that time

Jul 01, 2009
It's not gonna happen, they've said this many many times. It's difficult and makes things confusing in my opinion. I wouldn't get your hopes up.
It could be a good idea, but it's just not going to happen.

Jan 13, 2010
No way!!!!!!!!!!! If they change there is no point. Why would you change. It is your fault you started a storm and wanted to be a myth and ice. Then you could just change to a myth whenever it is a storm boss.

Oct 24, 2010
isaiahcrabbe159357 wrote:
There needs to be a way to switch your primary class. Many many people want to do it including me. I have a 61 storm and i want to be myth or ice. And Ki, your losing people because of this. You say for us to create a new charater but people could have spent years getting to the lvl they are now! ( I did :l). Nobody wants to go back through the game again... If you are able to get your wizard to the lvl he/she is now, then why not be allowed to switch? Make it so Mr. Lincon can exchange you class for another. What harm would this do? You would still be the same exact lvl. And if you make it a good amount of crowns then people wont keep on switching. Please do this? :-(

Nope, not gonna happen. If you are unhappy with your school, start over. I mean, long before level 61 you should have figured out you didn't like your school.
And I seriously doubt KI is losing anyone over this. That's why there are SIX slots available. Start a new wizard.

May 24, 2012
When I first started the game I took the opening test and ended up being a Myth wizard. She didn't get very far. I wasn't happy with her. Two wizards later I was Fire and not really, really happy with her either. Then I figured out why. I was choosing a primary school then picking up other spells from the first person I came to. My current girl is a Life wizard with Fire secondary. If I get a training point I come back and look in ALL the schools before I choose another spell. I love the offense of fire and the cover of life. It's been good in Krok where I'm fighting death, ice and storm. In the pyramid I just dumped leaves over them. Just start another wizard. Skip the initial questions and make your own choice. When you get a training point choose spells that fit your dueling style. I like fire because I like to strike and be gone. How many other worlds do you know of where you can start over from scratch?

Feb 25, 2009
Sorry, but that is just not going to happen and I would not want it too anyway. The whole point of the game and leveling wizards would just fly out the window.....

There are many players that have multiple accounts and have or are leveling wizards in all schools. Even though some of it may be boring, there is always something different with each school.

If Changing the Primary class were an option in this game, I would be gone in a heartbeat.

But most of all, something like this would also create massive problems with the game programming. Not worth it.

And yes, you could always start another wizard in another school. That is up to you.