I love this game, but still a bit mad at this game too. I'm a lvl 60 already and still have alot to do in the new world. Just like before not going to get any XP doing it. I think they should have moved the cap up more then what they did. So my question is does Wizards plan on moving the cap lvl up more or will I leave this game for a while and come back when they do?!
i dont think they should raise it any higher for now but i do think they should lower the xp this new world gives about 46%
I Agree.... They should not raise the levels only because they would have to come up with new things to go with new levels....(and we all know how long that will Take...) And i also agree that the Xp points shouldn't be so hi in any quest only because you run into the problem that SteveWeigel has being top level and no where completeing the game...getting bored because theres quest to complete but no rewards to look foward to....
i dont think they should raise it any higher for now but i do think they should lower the xp this new world gives about 46%
Lowering it by that much would make it impossible to reach legendary ore even level 58 for that matter. It's fine like it is, just save those quests for the next world
The problem with the whole XP thing is that people have finished DS and done a whole bunch of stuff without earning any XP for it because they hit Level 50 early; therfore, it makes it difficult to become a Legendary since they've exhausted any chance at getting XP. KI realized this, which is why every quest is on steroids and gives ten times the XP than DS quests.
The problem with the whole XP thing is that people have finished DS and done a whole bunch of stuff without earning any XP for it because they hit Level 50 early; therfore, it makes it difficult to become a Legendary since they've exhausted any chance at getting XP. KI realized this, which is why every quest is on steroids and gives ten times the XP than DS quests.
I've done nearly all of the side quests in all the worlds (even GH) so I reached level 50 early but level 60 kind of late :P I'm very very grateful for the XP on steroids.
I like you guys idea about lowering the XP given, which would have helped me, but its to late for me now if they do that. I think they could do that and up the lvl cap to 65 and just add in two training points and then it would work out. I would thing to keep me playing and at the same time they would have to add no new spells, since they only add new spells every eight lvls. I just hope they dont wait for six months to up the cap because then my year is up and was wasted.... :(