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Can't use treasure cards

Jun 22, 2009
I hope this is the right area, but every time i try to discard and draw for a treasure card it wobnt let me. Any help on why that is?

You must place the Treasure Cards in your current deck in order to draw them.

Treasure Cards are single-use spell cards which can be used to make you a much stronger wizard! In order to start using treasure cards in duels, you have to put them in your deck. To do this, open your Spell Deck screen by pushing ‘P’.
Once there, click the golden button with cards on it on the top right of the screen. You can now scroll through your treasure cards and place them in your deck by simply clicking on them. Once clicked, they will appear on the left side of the screen.

Now that you have the treasure cards in your deck, you need to start using them. When in battle, discard cards from your hand by right-mouse-clicking them, and a button will light up. This button says ‘DRAW’, and if you click on it, you will draw one treasure card at random.

Jun 17, 2009
and you must wait one turn to discard a recent drew treasure card to receive another treasure card. supposedly you didn't get the treasure card you wanted and the cards in your hand are essential therefore you can wait another turn to discard the treasure card.. also if you do not use any of the cards you drew and discard they are discarded for the whole battle you may not get them again unless you use a treasure card known as reshuffle (2-3 pips) or a trained school of balance level 20 reshuffle (4 pips).

hope this addition helps

p.s. my characters name always starts with James.