Can you still stitch amulets, athames, rings, and decks?
I could've sworn you could stitch them before. I wanted to stitch a mastery amulet (for stitch testing purposes, to see if the little wisps would move around you), but as I when to the stitching section at Eloise in the commons, All I saw is a stitch section for hats, robes, boots, and wands. Couldn't you stitch all the other gear pieces before?
Re: Can you still stitch amulets, athames, rings, and decks?
I don't think this was ever an option. Aside from the mastery amulets, none of the other amulets, athames, rings, or decks have any visual effect on your character, so it wouldn't make any sense to even allow the option to stitch if it's literally pointless.