For a week straight everytime I come to wizard city to buy my potions, i have been getting an awful lot of friend requests...Being nice I helped some of them with their quests. (20+ levels are usually most helpful) Then i got lots of attention from levels 3-7, but when I decline their requests they just ask again and again. I tell them to stop and then I usually have to go flee to another world just to get them to stop annoying me! just wondering if there is a button to make them stop... :x :x
There are many Privacy options available to you, including blocking Friend Requests.
Next time you're in game but not in a duel, press the Esc key on your keyboard. This will open your Options Panel. At the top there are tabs for Video and Advanced Video Options, Sound Options, Gameplay and Advanced Gameplay Options, Privacy Options and Realms.
You want the Privacy Options tab that looks like a lock. In there you will see Allow Friend Requests Yes/No Allow Trade Requests Yes/No Allow Hatch Requets Yes/No Allow Friend Teleports Yes/No Allow Group Invites Yes/No Block PvP Enemy Chat Yes/No Limit Home to Friends Yes/No
Set the options as you like and press OK to confirm.