I bought some cards but cannot seems to find them in my deck!! Any solutons?
Well it depends on what cards we are talking about but either way they need to be loaded into your deck to use. If they are regular spell cards that you have bought from other teachers besides your own or treasure cards.
Open your book and look down the side for the icon of a deck of cards, that will bring up what deck you currently have equipped and what cards are in it on the left side, on the right side is the cards you have and can use, there may be pages of them depending on the level of your wizard. For treasure cards there is on icon at the end of the top menu that look like gold cards click on that and it shows how many treasure cards your deck holds and on the right side the treasure cards you have, this is called the sideboard. To remove cards already in your deck click on them, to add cards from the right side pages click on them. I tend to run the least amount of cards in my deck no matter how many it can hold so the ones I want come up and I don't have to discard a lot, I usually never need a deck that has over 5 copies of my school spells, treasure cards I put in ones I will use for any given fights so change them more often.