I was wondering if a fix is in the mix for these on growing problem.
1. Why do all creatures have to out number us by one all the time? This is no fun in DS when they have close to 2k HP, or more, and you have a lot less?
2. Why when you can kill a creature with one of your spell cards, you always Fizzle? Regardless off accuracy potions or Buffs(hanging shields)
3. Why if it is a matter of life or death of your wizard to get that last spell off to kill target, you Fizzle, and Target proceeds to 1 hit kill you?
4. How can a creature cast a max spell damage of, say 350 depending on the card they are using, and when you are low on life,(345) their spell does more damage (380) then listed with no, blades, traps, or shields up on your wizard and you die?
5. How does a creature no exactly the pricise second when to throw up a weekness, dispell, or deffence shield up, while you are in mid cast of your spell? (its like they are doing two turns at once, not one)If they get to go twice so do I.
6. I counted 8 weakness off one boss one time on me, I thought the max was 4 copies.
7. Why do creatures barely fizzle?
8. Why does ever creature in W101 can use any Elf spell, regardless of school?
AND THE MOTHER OF ALL FIXES (drum roll) Why in any instance(dungeon) when you have to fight a boss and their sidekicks, after you killed the sidekicks once already and left the boss for last. That when the boss kills you, because you Fizzled on your last spell that would have killed the boss. You automaticly get ported to the main area, and even if you stick a mark in the chamber to have something to go back to, you get in the room and all the bosses sidekicks are alive again after you already killed them once in an instance?(dungeon)
In every god for sakeing MMO I ever played (which is a lot of them), any room/chamber/area that holds a boss and sidekicks, If you kill off the sidekicks in any type of Instance(dungeon) and died in this zone, what ever you killed first is still dead. until the dungeon gets reset. The big MMO's allow a 24 hour reset on most MMO's. To prevent the major problem that runes the fun of the game , by not having to kill everything all over again. Until the intial reset of the Instance(dungeon)
How about if the enemies don't fight back at all? Maybe we should have a "lazy wizard" mode, where the enemies just stand there and don't do anything.
There has to be some challenge to the game.
First off I asked for feedback not insult. Second off its because I had died in the middle of a long dungeon run. I get ported to main area, I then have to get HP, and Mana up ASAP to get back in the dungeon so it does not reset on me, Then once this happens, All the Sidekicks I had went through to get as far as I did in the dungeon before I died, They should not have respawned on me for me to fight over again. I never waited more then 30 mins to get back in.
There is a FINE LINE between challenge or cheating.( I played way harder, and many MMO's then W101, to level caps) If I can kill a creature AFTER FIGHTING IT FOR A WHILE with one spell. " notice for a while is there." I should not get a Fizzle on that last spell when in one hit do to my wizard having low hit points from dealing with Fizzle, after Fizzle. I should be able to get the cast off.
So please if you can not give some positive input on any of my post, with out insulting me, then please do not post. Thank you.