Hey this is sort of a wierd topic but i was just thinking that it would be funny to hear some stories! It can be anything from a very faulty minion to a very badly timed fizzle, just post anything you think might be funny or interesting! For instance, once i got into a battle in MB in Hyde Park when three other guys joined. We fought for a little bit but eventually two of them fled, after having a tough time with the four enemies still left the other guy with me fled too...... So not being aware that the Satyr spell was a 90% fizzle rate instead of 100%, at about 20 life left I cast the Satyr spell and guess what...... it fizzled. Haha i was so mad but I laughed so hard. Haha it was pathetic. Please share some other interesting and funny stories!
Hey this is sort of a wierd topic but i was just thinking that it would be funny to hear some stories! It can be anything from a very faulty minion to a very badly timed fizzle, just post anything you think might be funny or interesting! For instance, once i got into a battle in MB in Hyde Park when three other guys joined. We fought for a little bit but eventually two of them fled, after having a tough time with the four enemies still left the other guy with me fled too...... So not being aware that the Satyr spell was a 90% fizzle rate instead of 100%, at about 20 life left I cast the Satyr spell and guess what...... it fizzled. Haha i was so mad but I laughed so hard. Haha it was pathetic. Please share some other interesting and funny stories!
lol i had the same type senario... we were in stormriven and i was almost dead, a myth guy was about to satyr me and it fizzed, but whenever he did it on someone else it didnt only hit but went critical!!! and then he actually tried to heal me again, and guess what happened HE FIZZED AGAIN!!! dang, that was the worst luck i have had, then i had another close one, but it wasnt me, it was the oppoments epic fail, so in pvp my helephant sometimes casts fire blade, so the spammed fire dispells, and all i really did was wand spells and my helephant took care of the dispells lol, then i did critical heckhound with full pips lol
I have had many epic fails, but the one I will NEVER forget was in the Floating Land.
I was fighting some of the life enemies (the treant looking ones) with my Balance wizard. Almost every seraph they cast at me was a critical, and nearly every round they got a power pip, leaving me bombarded with Seraphs. Fortunately I blocked or had a shield on for the first four. Judgment was the only attack showing, but it fizzled. After two more rounds of constantly discarding and even looking through treasure cards I finally got a spectral blast. It hit, but left the enemy with 130 health. Then on their round before i could attack again, its partner cast regen on it and it was a critical. I tried another quick attack but fizzled. After another round they finally put me out of my misery and hit me with another critical Seraph that I didn't block. As I died, all I could do was laugh. It felt as if the game had already decided i would lose and there was nothing i could do to change it.
Hannah Lifebringer level 60 Life Hannah Earthbreaker level 60 Balance
Since you mentioned it, badly-timed fizzles seem to be my character's trademark. Add this to the fact that she is a balance mage, and the fail is almost too epic to handle
Still, the funniest was when I was in the labyrinth, and my char was suddenly airborne! She sorta hovered in mid-air during the fight, like the Judgment fairy (if you've ever seen one of those), and it was actually pretty awesome-looking.
Since you mentioned it, badly-timed fizzles seem to be my character's trademark. Add this to the fact that she is a balance mage, and the fail is almost too epic to handle
Still, the funniest was when I was in the labyrinth, and my char was suddenly airborne! She sorta hovered in mid-air during the fight, like the Judgment fairy (if you've ever seen one of those), and it was actually pretty awesome-looking.
Hard to imagine
listen to this
I was doing the Pyromancers tomb, in DS, and guess what, I soloed it while being a Pyromancer. I was like . literaly.
well my biggest epic fail was when i was in a battle in mooshu.I was battleing a fire boss and me and his health was both low mines was 19 hp. Which i was lucky i had a fire shield up to stop him last round while his was 5hp! So i was ready for the worst i had my elemantal traps and my convert trap and my elemantal blades and my fire blade but ouce i got all set up for my epic hit with helephant i totally fizzled ! I was all like oh yea he so dead but when i fizzled i was just stun like just sitting there saying OMG how did i fizzle. But since then i had never had the most epic fail then that and what made it bad i had wild fire in play lol! :x
One time I was trying to see how high I could hit with just one attack. And it was going great, I had used treasure feint, amulet feint, normal feint, treasure element blades, element blades, stormblade, stormtrap, treasure element trap, element trap, treasure darkwind, and windstorm. I was really excited because i had levy with gargantion in my hand, but as i was going to click it i realized i used right click. That was the only attack in my deck. I used tons of money all to discard my only attack, I epic fail
lol it reminds me of the time i fizzled with my wand spell i guess it was some sort of glitch because i didnt have a- -45 accuraccy on me so i dont know what happened
My fail was i was trying to hit high with efreet on a ghost in unicornway, and i had my traps, blades, more traps, dragonblades, every single blade you could think of that works with fire, (I spent ALL of my 50,000 coins on them) and i was trying to set a record, but when i had efreet and 8 pips, i realized i had NO MANA!!!! MY. BIGGEST. FAIL. EVA!
One Time I needed help with a boss and none of my friends were online, so i got a lvl 50 life henchman. I was full health for most of the battle and my life hench kept healing me over and over for no reason then after a while stoped. Then the boss started attacking hard and i died. the life henchmen after that wouldnt heal me and ended up killing the boss causing me to lose.
Another time in a similar sinario i bought a lvl 60 myth henchman. she bladed traped and did the myth bubble and she had a lot of pips so i thought she would use minotaur but instead she used a wand strike THEN used minotaur!
I was fighting a boss in DS and I put my minion out. I have reshuffle and discarded them. That was my mistake. I ended up running out of cards and my minion ended up killing the boss. I learned from that day and I don't discard my reshuffles anymore.
Well yesterday I was in Collosus Boulevard, and I was fighting these gobblers with my friend Alura and a guy named Luke. All 3 of us were using Imp, and we all fizzled. :P We had low health so the gobblers killed us all but once we were dead a gobbler tried using his "gas" attack on us AGAIN..
Ok guys i just had another funny epic fail the other day.... So i was on pvp and it was me and a myth girl against two guys who looked very high lvl. So my partner started summoning minions and kicking butt but after a while they started to gain the upper edge. So she doesnt play for a couple turns and gets really low life, and after a little bit longer i had like no life. So i used sacrifice on myself to heal her because she was obviously better. But after like another few turns i realized she wasnt playing at all! so a minion did a healing spell on me but the turn RIGHT after we got DESTROYED by a tidal wave spell powered by tons of shields and stuff. It was pathetic haha.
I was down to like the last little bit of health. I had the pips and blades and traps set up for an epic hit against a boss. My turn was next, and what happens? I fizzled. His turn was next and he hit me with a fire zilla. I did finally get him though :)
Hey this is sort of a wierd topic but i was just thinking that it would be funny to hear some stories! It can be anything from a very faulty minion to a very badly timed fizzle, just post anything you think might be funny or interesting! For instance, once i got into a battle in MB in Hyde Park when three other guys joined. We fought for a little bit but eventually two of them fled, after having a tough time with the four enemies still left the other guy with me fled too...... So not being aware that the Satyr spell was a 90% fizzle rate instead of 100%, at about 20 life left I cast the Satyr spell and guess what...... it fizzled. Haha i was so mad but I laughed so hard. Haha it was pathetic. Please share some other interesting and funny stories!
My biggest fail was in the Grotto, fighting Cuthalla (not cheating version). I took out the minion, worked on the boss, then a friend ported. He helped with the next minion that came in. A balance wizard got pulled into the fight, apologized, and helped. Cuthalla bladed himself, then hit me with a critical triton in the same round the balance wiz used a critical bladed Ra. I went back, tried again, and this time Cuthalla hit me with a critical, bladed, Storm Bubbled Stormzilla.
Oh I remember this one time I was in Grizzleheim fighting a boss - can't remember which one though. I cast a Seraph, and it hit. But it left the dude with 1 HIT POINT! I was going through my deck rapidly.
Me: Can't use this...can't use that...
All the while I was taking damage. Then I found a Nature's Wrath card. I tried to cast it, but it fizzled. Next turn I got a Seraph card again and tried to cast it again. Fizzle. It was like that for about four more turns, and every spell fizzled. Bad luck? Naw, probably the game was against me that day. I tried to heal. Fizzle. I got killed.
I was actually laughing so hard, my sides hurt. I am a life wizard, with the highest normal accuracy rating, and all my spells fizzled.
I actually shouted at my computer, "Let's not call this Wizard101, let's call this Fizzle Civilization!"
P.S. I know what a civilization is...it rhymed though
Well my epic fail was in mooshu, i was in crimson fields battleing the warlord katsumori, i was down to one health becuase he kept hitting me with his all power pip special attack, i crtitcly hit him with Medusa, and wow, with gungartuan and amplify critical, he had one health left too! then he showed no mercy, used firezilla and killed me, and my teammate was life, he used critical satyr, katsumori killed him round after, leaving me with no heals, i was alone with 1330 health, he still had one, i kept fizziling on every attack, until he killed me! i was laughing so hard i started to cry!
Ok, So me and my friends are doing big ben for fun. On the last floor we trapped and added a whole lot of blades on the boss (forgot his name >.<) and the other guys. When I was about to cast skeletal pirate I noticed, IHAD NO MANA And on the next few turns as my friends were doing Seraph/Kraken They fizzled and also.... Ran out of mana! I was so frustrated that day but ended up laughing lol. :D
Hahaha these are funny guys! I didnt even think that this many people would post! Keep posting everybody lets hear some funny stories! I (also speaking from experience) think that the biggest fails are when people spend a lot of money on treasure card blades and traps so that they can see how much damage they can do in one move and then they either fizzle or run out of mana or something! Haha these are funny keep posting guys.
Me, a level twenty-seven (twenty-six at the time of fail) diviner (storm rules!) fought some boss in the Tomb of Storms with my level twenty-eight (at the time, not sure what he is now) friend, who had the Bolt Blade. My team was first, and I was first on my team. Me and my friend decided to just out down a bunch of traps, blades, and strikes (increases accuracy, I'm pretty sure that it's only for storm, which, again, rules) for four turns, so I could Kraken the boss, and then my friend would finish the job with his bolt blade. The time comes to kill the boss, I use my Kraken (which I had brought up to 90% accuracy and, like, 6-times strength) AND IT FIZZLES! Then, my friend, who has Bolt Blade (and an attack with 100% accuracy) takes my hit and uses every ward I had on the boss!
this happens multiple times to me (and it STILL happens!) i am gonna cast a spell that can kill in one hit and BOOM! they shield myth storm life etc. and i cant cast it! kinda sad for me :(
I was playing as my myth wizard. And this was whatever level is proper for doing the Gurtok Barrier Demon in Ravenscar, when hitting GH as soon as you can. I did this fight twice, and I epically failed. So, I bought a lot of ice treasure cards, and I tried again. Another fail. So I tried again, and I was so happy. I was doing so well, all the cards were working with me. And then, he was down to a very low number, I needed just one last attack. And I had the perfect one lined up. I knew it could do it. Boom! The attack hits, and then, he was left with 1 hp and killed me. I nearly cried!