I tend to play for fun, both on this playthrough and my last. I've been eying some certain purchasable things, however, and their absolutely massive price tags, and I have that resolve. What are the best ways to reach 100k?
Please dont mention gardening, I know its great for money, but its also an incredibly slow "waiting game" mechanic, and for a lot of things i want to purchase (namely monstrology spells), its best if I buy them before they entirely lose relevance.
You a fresh Monstrology enthusiast? Welcome to the club!
Can you get to Vestrilund? If you can, then there is a boss famous for the price of his drops. Halfang Bristlecrown is a Storm boss with decently low health, and his drops sell for very lucrative prices in the Bazaar, especially the Cow's Pearl Amulet. Fight him a couple times, and you'll have plenty of cash in no time!
You a fresh Monstrology enthusiast? Welcome to the club!
Can you get to Vestrilund? If you can, then there is a boss famous for the price of his drops. Halfang Bristlecrown is a Storm boss with decently low health, and his drops sell for very lucrative prices in the Bazaar, especially the Cow's Pearl Amulet. Fight him a couple times, and you'll have plenty of cash in no time!
I'm only level 30. I've never even heard of Vestrilund. Hence why I said early ways.
I'm only level 30. I've never even heard of Vestrilund. Hence why I said early ways.
I think the question of whether you can get to Vestrilund might have been relating to whether you literally can access it, rather than running there through zones you've not gained access to by level.
As long as Vestrilund is unlocked either by membership or through purchasing the zone we can port to a friend there or use a teleport tapestry to go there. The tapestry lands us right near Asrik and Halfang's caves. As these are prime locations for gold farming there are usually people farming it who would be happy to add you to port and join them for loot
When you see them vanish through the sigil port promptly so you don't hold them up (most kill first round). Pass quickly so you don't hold them up or disrupt the rhythm they have (remember they're doing this for gold as fast as they can too). After, run out and get ready to port when they vanish through the sigil again
Oh. If you're level 30, try selling spare gear and items at the Bazaar. You'll earn some extra coin that way!
And yes, Victoria's right. If you really want to farm Halfang, someone would be glad to port you there.
Thank you! And I've been doing some runs of olympus, selling the sellable I get there, and feeding the rest, including the five hundred hastas ive obtained, to my pet. It would help if all the gear outside my school didnt have an exponentially higher drop rate
I remember I used to get my gold that way, too. Once upon a time, Duckbill Eels were very common, despite being Epic Fish. I earned a lot from them! I think that oversight's been fixed by now, though.
early hmm farm Halfang with a friend 200k in 30 minutes easy … more levels(68-72ish) up farm mirror lake for mega's and sellable items keep you bank maxed out that way. farm any of the 1 shots with friends or home signals for gear and sellable too. farm lore master with a friend that also a good gold stop too while waiting on spells to show up :)
Thank tyou all for the help. I got one of the many 100k things i needed in a few days (because currently farming something isnt incredibly feasible unless the server has stabilized again), that being the Storm House (I was gonna get a monstrology spell, but im gonna wait for the next update to really get into that). The storm house was my final goal on my last playthrough, and I never got close because I was even more of an impulse buyer then.