hey all. im a max death and have been concentrating on getting best gear available at each level. If you search out best death gear, the posts are all old outdated and don't take into account new gear introduced since i.e cabalist gear. In my opinion i have the best available gear in the game i know of for my purpose, which is questing. My question is there better stuff i don't have or know about? My focus is damage and critical. I should note i have bonesmasher robe i prefer this one over it. this is my current gear: alpha omega ring cabalist hood of finality cabalist stompers of finality death lords cloak of woe luphlims grim gallery mercy of shadow and light raptureriders skull shadow queens grace
My death is a max level and has 143 damage and 55% critical, my gear is cabalists hood, the robe from empyrea key boss, alphoi boots because I couldn't seem to get cabalist boots while farming, revered wand, amulet from darkmoor, athame from darkmoor to I believe? And the key boss ring which gives critical and 9% damage, also currently farming the rats deck. You will need extra pip jewels or you will be low so socketing one on the rat deck would be helpful. My pet is a quint damage ultra beast, but not a max stat version