I am a lvl 33 balance and i trained in ice, and I am trying to decide whether to buy back my training points. What is the best secondary school for balance.
I am a lvl 33 balance and i trained in ice, and I am trying to decide whether to buy back my training points. What is the best secondary school for balance.
Wolf lvl 33 balance
As a Balance wizard who just bought back all of her training points at level 80, I wouldn't even bother with a secondary school. Buy your points back now (so it doesn't cost you 12,000 crowns to do it later), and save them for other things instead (Celestial spells, dispels, shields, stuff like that).
Once you hit Grandmaster (level 50), those other spells will be useless to you, unless you fork over 10,000 crowns for a mastery amulet. Unless you are Myth or Storm, and have horrible health/no real healing abilities, you don't need a secondary school at all.
Good luck!
El Veeb/Laura Shadowsong archmage sorceress & training-point hoarder.