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Begging Crisis in the Commons

Nov 13, 2012
There are many things to do in the Common. Hangout with friends, meet new people, find help with quests, but the one thing that seems to be more consistent than any of them is the persistent and consistent number of people begging for packs, memberships, crowns, and other things. It is bad enough when players get into arguments and word fights in the commons, but the begging, oh my word the begging is the worst, and it never ends. There is always someone begging for packs or crowns. When you tell them they can get free crowns from playing trivia they get upset as if you just kicked them in the teeth.

Sure there are players that are very generous with their crowns. I recently watched one fellow give away 80K crowns worth of gear packs mounts and memberships. An Angel of the game for sure. The next day though he was out of crowns and needed an elixir for pet hatching and guess what? No more crowns and not one of those that he helped would help him. So much for being a nice guy.

I understand that not everyone is as fortunate as others when it comes to crowns and bundles and things, but the level of begging and number of beggars is becoming a real turn off to the game in general. I myself simply put pan-handlers and beggars on ignore, but that doesn't fix the problem.

When the players that do maintain long term memberships, and do purchase bundles, and do buy crowns, get mauled by the beggars to the point they don't even want to go to the commons, then its time to put a stop to the begging.

This topic will no doubt upset a few people but I make no apologies for that. When you go to the zoo the signs say don't feed the animals, Well Wizard City needs a sign that reads "Don't Feed The Trolls & Don't Beg"

Seriously, Its one thing to ask someone for a gift, but spamming the chat with begging for TC or for Packs is over the top. Every two or three minutes "SOMEONE GIVE ME PACKS" or "SOMEONE BUY ME A MEMBERSHIP"

Wizards is a social game for sure, but does it have to be a game of beggars too?

Oct 16, 2014
Ya when the Friendly Player function was added, I turned it on. But about 15 mins later someone used it to whisper to me asking to buy them a membership. Turn it off and haven't turned it back on since.

Jun 06, 2009
YES oh my gosh finally someone said it!
I can't tell you how many times I've had people say my name, and then I'll respond with something like "yeah?" or "what's up?" and then, next thing I know, they're sending me a private message asking if I can gift them something. I appreciate how Wizard can be such a social game, but why do so many people feel the need to abuse the chat privilege to beg for crowns/packs/gear? That's how you get yourself blocked lol. Not everyone has unlimited crowns and/or is willing to give them away to complete strangers (most of whom are under level 50... why would you even waste crowns on packs when you're not even close to a high level? You're just going to level up and "outgrow it")

Dec 14, 2009
This is not a new posted problem; it has been ongoing for years. There has been a plethora of complaints and suggestions about solving it, all of which KI has turned a deaf ear too. I reiterate my point about it made years ago:
Make it a reportable offense with stiff penalties, and it will stop.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
This has always been an issue. Always, since Day #1.

Simple solution, though. Change to a "perfect" realm when you're planning to be in Wizard City. The worst realms for begging are the crowded and full realms, plus Wu. When you're in one of the less crowded realms, you're far less likely to run into beggars and bullies. In some of the very low realms like Scarecrow or Pixie, the Commons is all but deserted.

The second solution is to just say no. Ignore the beggars and keep on walking. If someone asks you directly for crowns or whatever, simply tell them you have gifting turned off (whether that's true or not). No need to explain further, just carry on and go about your business. And yes, if they're pestering you then go ahead and put them on Ignore.

Finally, if you're wanting to hang out in the crowded Commons for socializing, then putting up with beggars is the price you're gonna pay. If you have a nice group of friends that you want to hang out with, maybe take your smaller gathering to a different world, to someone's house, or at least to a different part of Wizard City than the Commons. Then you can chat in peace and not have to put up with so many beggars.

Again, this is a fairly easy problem to solve and begging, as annoying as it is, should not be a reportable offense. The reason is, exactly as you observed, some players actually are willing to gift crowns, mounts and packs. I'm not sure why they would be that generous to total strangers but I guess they've got their reasons.

Alia Misthaven

Jul 20, 2014
Freshta on Jul 15, 2021 wrote:
This has always been an issue. Always, since Day #1.

Simple solution, though. Change to a "perfect" realm when you're planning to be in Wizard City. The worst realms for begging are the crowded and full realms, plus Wu. When you're in one of the less crowded realms, you're far less likely to run into beggars and bullies. In some of the very low realms like Scarecrow or Pixie, the Commons is all but deserted.

The second solution is to just say no. Ignore the beggars and keep on walking. If someone asks you directly for crowns or whatever, simply tell them you have gifting turned off (whether that's true or not). No need to explain further, just carry on and go about your business. And yes, if they're pestering you then go ahead and put them on Ignore.

Finally, if you're wanting to hang out in the crowded Commons for socializing, then putting up with beggars is the price you're gonna pay. If you have a nice group of friends that you want to hang out with, maybe take your smaller gathering to a different world, to someone's house, or at least to a different part of Wizard City than the Commons. Then you can chat in peace and not have to put up with so many beggars.

Again, this is a fairly easy problem to solve and begging, as annoying as it is, should not be a reportable offense. The reason is, exactly as you observed, some players actually are willing to gift crowns, mounts and packs. I'm not sure why they would be that generous to total strangers but I guess they've got their reasons.

Alia Misthaven
I disagree with your assessment, here is why:

The dictionary clearly states that a gift is freely given. When someone begs someone, and they acquiesce, it is not a gift.

Under the CoC and Terms of Use, it defines multiple instances where this kind of behavior is not tolerated.

You should never have to retreat when you are doing nothing wrong. The person accosting you is the one who should be penalized.

Finally, someone who begs others is far worse than someone using simple curse words, and yet cursing can get you banned. (As it should )

While you obviously have a kind heart, ignoring a serious problem will only make it fester and get worse.

Dec 14, 2009
Mental Void on Aug 28, 2021 wrote:
I disagree with your assessment, here is why:

The dictionary clearly states that a gift is freely given. When someone begs someone, and they acquiesce, it is not a gift.

Under the CoC and Terms of Use, it defines multiple instances where this kind of behavior is not tolerated.

You should never have to retreat when you are doing nothing wrong. The person accosting you is the one who should be penalized.

Finally, someone who begs others is far worse than someone using simple curse words, and yet cursing can get you banned. (As it should )

While you obviously have a kind heart, ignoring a serious problem will only make it fester and get worse.
Well said, and I agree. No one in game should have to tolerate that nonsense.