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Balance King Art versus Efreet Imbalance

Apr 21, 2011
Many people in max PVP complain about how Efreet (8 pips) is broken since the Efreet-FFA combo is very hard to counter if people don't have fire ward pets. We can all admit that the 90% debuff is often debilitating to the opponent and there are very few spells in the game that can hit the opponent and defend against the next attack spell. Efreet is very powerful and very useful when used correctly.

Then, you look at the balance version of King Artorius, which is the same pip cost (and, granted, 10% more accurate) but with 170 less damage and a 50% weaker debuff. To be fair, the King Art gives pierce blade, but even disregarding the damage, 10% pierce and 10% accuracy aren't equivalent a 50% debuff. Balance is way more of a debuff school than Fire ever was (weakness, mantle, lore, etc.), and there is no reason that fire should have one of the best debuff spells in the game (comparable to Bad Juju, which requires a massive health sacrifice in PVP).

Since Loremaster and Mana Burn got nerfed, it only seems fair that the Balance King Art gets buffed, since Balance PVP has become extremely difficult. I understand that reducing the Efreet weakness might have a bad impact on lower level-pvp, but increasing the King Art debuff by 10 or 15% seems like a little bit of an equalizer.

In general, debuffing seems like one of Balance's biggest strengths, and King Art is one of the only ones that isn't readily accessible to other schools because of the high pip cost. The high pip cost will also keep it from being spammed, which was the problem with Loremaster.

Kelsey Sunpetal lvl 130