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Baddle of the Bands

Nov 11, 2012
I have been trying for 2 days now to get the white stripped tiger mount dropped in this dungeon, and have been unsuccessful, It is a rare drop, but it seems like underhanded by KI to price it as a one time one hit dungeon for 500 crowns, and then treat it like a normal free play dungeon with their associated rare drops. I did the dungeon with my 2 deaths to get the knight cards on both of them, and stuck it out for almost 2 months to get them. But, i didn't have to spend 500 crowns per time to get the rare drops. I did get other cards dropped pertaining to cards for other schools though in the process. If they price this mount for 9000 crowns, then it requires a purchase of 18 dungeons, IF there is some guarantee that the mount will be dropped by the 19 purchase. So, I would even be willing to do that, but since it's considered 'rare' and drops are dropped randomly out of the deck and it's only 1 mount card drop potential, it seems like it's an impossible feat anyway, as it's the only mount to be dropped. A potential fix to keep the current pricing on the dungeon would be to offer other rare mounts as drops, hence then the chances to get this mount go up. But, currently, the chances to get this drop randomly are like 200 to 1, which to me isn't a 'rare' drop' but an a chance in million drop. It's like trying to win the lottery, and almost every person who buys a lottery ticket just won't win.

Aug 03, 2014
If we think of it in comparison to packs we get a lot more. We get to do a fun dungeon and get drops on 4 fights, including 3 bosses...and it is all multiplied by 4 because we can have 4 wizards run it! Compared to a random 7 items from a pack it is worth a lot more.

Drops include gear, jewels, pets, reagents and treasure cards...plus the chance of winning an exclusive perm mount!

I understand it is frustrating to have done it a lot of times purely for the mount and to still not have it, but the price seems very reasonable to me. I hope you get the mount soon!