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An important message for KI

Jun 16, 2010

Don't you think its about time you fix all of the broken things in game.

As a long time player and subscriber I am 110% fed up with you not addressing things that have been reported as broken in game.

Many of these surrounding pet talents and other issues that have been presented in the past!

How about for once you do your jobs and correct the broken material.

We don't pay for this game for no reason. Its time you consider that.

The more pointless updates (Cantrips) you keep adding, the more and more players you will lose.

You want us to collect spellements but make the process unreasonably hard and costly (15 energy for 2 spellements out of a chest is Actual Robbery. You must consider we are not going to pay money for your pointless emotes!!)

How about you complete the tickets you already have on file rather than trying to continue to add more to the game!

What a revolutionary idea!