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Am I fit to be a Theurgist?

Jun 28, 2010
The School of Life is all about Music, and being spiritual. However, I have little-to-no interest in music. I only like a select few of songs, and whenever people sing other songs I think my head will explode. Moolinda, Am i fit to be a theurgist?

Ah, that is an intriguing question. Rhythm, simply a vibration that you feel, even if it is unheard, can be soothing to the soul. The school of Life is a very tolerant school. We welcome all who take an interest, and support them on whatever path their studies may take them. On a more practical note, you can also go to the Options page in your Spellbook to review your Sound Settings.

Happy Healing!

Jun 28, 2010
Wow thank you! I wouldn't like being a wizard if I couldn't be life. But the music on W101 I actually like a lot. :D But the songs I DO like, I'm totally crazy about :D

"The school of Life is a very tolerant school. We welcome all who take an interest, and support them on whatever path their studies may take them." -Moolinda Wu

Apr 23, 2010
WhoMan101 wrote:
The School of Life is all about Music, and being spiritual. However, I have little-to-no interest in music. I only like a select few of songs, and whenever people sing other songs I think my head will explode. Moolinda, Am i fit to be a theurgist?
why would you even ask

May 21, 2009
WhoMan101 wrote:
The School of Life is all about Music, and being spiritual. However, I have little-to-no interest in music. I only like a select few of songs, and whenever people sing other songs I think my head will explode. Moolinda, Am i fit to be a theurgist?

I know that Moolinda has quoted you but I have to tell you what I think. I am also a Theurgist and it doesn't matter what you are into to be a Theurgist. Life isn't just about music and spirituality its about the living creatures that inhabit the planet. And its about the souls of those creatures that create Life on the world. Finally there are a whole bunch of different kinds of people that are theurgist. Thank you for reading!

Christopher JadeBlade
lvl.50 Theurgist
Savior of the Spiral

P.S, Any wizard is fit to be a Theurgist

Jun 28, 2010
bryanapple wrote:
WhoMan101 wrote:
The School of Life is all about Music, and being spiritual. However, I have little-to-no interest in music. I only like a select few of songs, and whenever people sing other songs I think my head will explode. Moolinda, Am i fit to be a theurgist?
why would you even ask

Lol, I like exploring philosophies of games. Since the game has you take the test, I wanna make sure that the Philosophy is right for me XD

In other words, I'm stupid! (Or just deep?)

"The school of Life is a very tolerant school. We welcome all who take an interest, and support them on whatever path their studies may take them." -Moolinda Wu

Lol Moolinda has inspired me :) ^

Jun 06, 2009
I'm not sure if i would be a good theurgist either. My best wizard is a Grandmaster Pyromancer and i love the whole KABOOM aspect of spells but i also have an adept storm wizard and his secondary is life and i enjoy casting the satyr spell. Even though in real life i love animals and nature(yes i am a dude) I still like the epic attacks of fire and storm. Moolinda please help, and if i do amount to anything my currently lvl one life wizard's name is Sean Jadebreaker

Sean Ironflame Lvl 50 Grandmaster Pyromancer
See ya in the Spiral