I could have posted this in the Zafaria section, but really it's more of a general concern about the future. I really hope that the developers at KI can find an alternative to the endless defeat and collect quests. Yes, I know this topic has been done to death. But it seems to me that the higher worlds have (progressively) less story and more grinding--perhaps this is because there is more pressure to come out with new content in shorter periods of time.
Let me also say that Zafaria is beautiful, animation-wise. I do love the look. But I am now on my third run-through there, and I am not sure I can finish. My Life wizard is just starting the Fire Lion Ravagers, has done 3 battles, and collected no---sorry, forgot what she was collecting--spears?--whatever, she's got none. And basically, it's all Forest Lord, all the time. It's boring in the extreme, and I don't know if I/she will finish.
I appreciate all the work that has gone into this world. It looks great. And I still love the game. But surely there is another way, another gaming idea out there somewhere. Defeat and collect quests are like time spent waiting in airports--you can feel your life ebbing away slowly as you wait for the time to be over. I can't help but think of all the other stuff I could be doing as I wait to cast yet another Forest Lord, only to receive the depressing news that I must "try again." Patience is a virtue, I realize. But life is short, too. Please save us from these interminable grinds!
If any of my fellow wizards have ideas about how the developers might extend the storyline without this torture, please share!