I'm an adept diviner, level 25. I'm half way through Krocatopia, and I've come to the conclusion that Wizard101 is a lot deeper a game than I thought.
What I'm looking for is suggestions. I've got nice kit, with my Dragonrider's Fireblade being my favourite piece of equipment. I also have every spell available to a 25 level character from the Life and Storm schools. The problem is that I can't help thinking that I'm missing things. There seems to be extra spell vendors all over the place, but I know I have not found them all, and I'd like to round out my spell deck. Actually, I'd like to know where to get a good spell deck too. The novice storm deck is getting a little long in the tooth as well. Also, I know that the paid-by-crowns gear I have can't be the best I could get at this level, is it?
To shorten my question - is there any guide or wiki entry or some-such that can tell me where the better things are for my character. My subject isn't just a play on words. I have two spell points that I have no idea where to spend them!