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Make ALL ice slippery!

Jan 27, 2015
At the River of the Frozen Tears, the declining part of the ice is slippery. As in you keep sliding if you stop moving, and you move faster. Yet it's only the declining part of the ice going downhill? Why isn't the entire lake slippery, or in fact, all ice in the game? It'd be a fun little addition to the game that wouldn't change anything other than adding fun!

Scoutgamingftw on Dec 31, 2019 wrote:
At the River of the Frozen Tears, the declining part of the ice is slippery. As in you keep sliding if you stop moving, and you move faster. Yet it's only the declining part of the ice going downhill? Why isn't the entire lake slippery, or in fact, all ice in the game? It'd be a fun little addition to the game that wouldn't change anything other than adding fun!
That's a great question! More ice fun!

Aug 02, 2015
I do actually like the idea of making the majority of the ice slippery, as it would speed it up a bit and add an extra layer of fun in that area
