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How far is Kingsisle taking it?

Sep 12, 2009

Just recently, I got my membership back and realized that Kingsisle released Polaris. I'm trying to max out on all my Wizards but Kingsisle won't stop releasing worlds! How do you all feel about Polaris? I felt like level 100 was a great place to stop with levels. Now they released another world? What level are we going to? 200? I'm still glad that Kingsisle isn't ditching the game after Khrysalis, but I'm starting to get a little annoyed with how many worlds are getting released in the game.

Thoughts? Opinions?



Jun 13, 2011
eric56379 on Dec 6, 2015 wrote:

Just recently, I got my membership back and realized that Kingsisle released Polaris. I'm trying to max out on all my Wizards but Kingsisle won't stop releasing worlds! How do you all feel about Polaris? I felt like level 100 was a great place to stop with levels. Now they released another world? What level are we going to? 200? I'm still glad that Kingsisle isn't ditching the game after Khrysalis, but I'm starting to get a little annoyed with how many worlds are getting released in the game.

Thoughts? Opinions?


You kinda misunderstood the facts about the whole MMO business. You see, the level caps don't just stop at 100. They'll keep on going up beyond 100. The level cap got upped to 110.

Through my understanding of some Wizards, I kinda agree that Polaris is shorter, but, Librarian Fitzhume said that they tried to streamline the main quests to focus more on the narrative and reduce the many "defeat x & collect y" quests that were a big bothersome to many, like the Khrysalis quests that had so many & have the story more immersive, which is kind of like how Pirate101's approach on it's quest design, only it's using the chapter structure instead of world travelling. Kind of better that way in that game. Read his post about that, if you have time.

Well, nevertheless, while I understand many that say Polaris is shorter, I feel that KingsIsle should have more new zones in their next world while keeping with their new approach, & maybe even raise the level cap by at least 15 levels instead of 10. Would be nice if they did that.

Nothing is absolutely final, no matter many say.

Apr 22, 2009
Good question!

At the end of the Morganthe arc (Khrysalis), three worlds are mentioned - Polaris, Mirage, and Empyrea.

I think it's safe to assume that since Polaris has now been released, Mirage and Empyrea will be as well. Both have been mentioned before, whether it be in P101 or W101. From what we know as of now, Mirage is a sort of desert world (it's speculated that the Sultan's Palace castle is representative of Mirage), and Empyrea is a sort of sky-world, based on what Cyrus Drake tells Myth wizards during one of their spell quests. Now, considering the first arc was 5 worlds (WC, KT, MB, MS, DS) and the second arc was five worlds (CL, ZF, AV, AZ, KH), I think it's safe to assume that PL, MR, and EP will not be the only worlds in the third arc.

Personally I'm fine with Kingsisle adding more and more worlds. I've been playing this game since a week after it was released, and I can honestly say that despite being a hardcore gamer, out of all the games I have ever played, Wizard101 is the one I never get bored of. I will play this game until nobody else does, and the servers are shut down!

Honestly, I wish the worlds would be released faster than one a year (but I know that Kingsisle works really hard on the worlds, and if a year is what it takes to make them as awesome as they are, then that's fine by me).

Dec 15, 2009
eric56379 on Dec 6, 2015 wrote:

Just recently, I got my membership back and realized that Kingsisle released Polaris. I'm trying to max out on all my Wizards but Kingsisle won't stop releasing worlds! How do you all feel about Polaris? I felt like level 100 was a great place to stop with levels. Now they released another world? What level are we going to? 200? I'm still glad that Kingsisle isn't ditching the game after Khrysalis, but I'm starting to get a little annoyed with how many worlds are getting released in the game.

Thoughts? Opinions?


Do you not what to continue playing Wizard101? You said you just got your membership back, and if Polaris was never a thing, what would you do? Every world tht comes out must come out with atleast 10 levels to back up the questing in those worlds.

Hunter LifeBreeze Level 83

Nov 15, 2008
Hello. I am a very experienced gamer so I know about games like these. Wizard101 is a MMORPG which is a massive multiplayer online roll playing games. With these games, what they do is instead of releasing sequels, they add updates. For wiz that would be new worlds. If they want to keep people playing they have to keep adding new worlds. Another example of these games is World of Warcraft. They, rather than making new games, make big DLC. So basically, until they shut down the servers because they run out of money or are tired of making the game, they will never stop making new worlds. Level one hundred was made a big deal because it is a big milestone in the game. So basically there will keep making worlds until they shut down the servers, which won't happen for a very very very long time. If you have any more questions just ask! :D

Matthew Wyrmblade LVL 100

Jan 17, 2013
KI stated they have "many more chapters in mind", and since we only just started the third chapter in the Spiral, my guess is we'll stop at level 250.

Nov 22, 2010
I like Polaris.

But understand something - with an online game like this, you can never stop releasing new content and you can never set a permanent level cap.

Gamers - rpg gamers at least - require leveling as part of the game. When you get to the point that you can't level any more, you very slowly (or quickly for some) lose interest and go play something else.

For a game that is running on your own machine, and not online, that's not a problem. You put it away and maybe a year or so later you might play it again.

For an online game like W101, that's the death of the company.

There is a fix, however. If you don't want to level any more, don't. Don't do stuff that'll get you any xp. If you don't want to explore the new worlds, get the new gear, spells, and so on, then don't. No one requires that you do.

Jun 13, 2012
FusionSun on Dec 9, 2015 wrote:
KI stated they have "many more chapters in mind", and since we only just started the third chapter in the Spiral, my guess is we'll stop at level 250.
Reply to Quote:
Why would it stop at 250? It seems like such an odd number to stop at. It'd be safer to speculate at and exact three or four hundred.

In Discussion:
Anyways, I didn't see it mentioned before, but with every world ten more levels are released.

Jul 18, 2009
Why should they stop at a massive cliffhanger after KH pt. 2? MMOs are meant to be ever-expanding.

Sep 20, 2014
why would they stop this game they make loads of cash of it and if they stopped to make a wiizard101 2 it wuld be pointless i think one day the max level would be 1000 even more people will keep buying member and crowns the more and more stuff come out o get better loot and better spells and better pets

srsly is really pontless to stop wizard101

Cody DragonSpear

Apr 03, 2011
honestly i feel like Morganthe's death was a great place to stop. I love the game but Polaris was honestly, one f the worst worlds they have released. In my opinion, they gave us watered down content and my biggest complaint was how they presented the world. Old Cob is supposed to be the most evil being in the spiral and this is supposedly the game ending arc. While playing through the world, i noticed that the situation with Rasputin was supposed to be dire and the entire spiral was at risk. But KI made this world feel like it was designed for a toddler. Millori was awfully presented and made the situation seem less and less serious every time her dialogue was added. With Morganthe the story was dark and dire, and i really like how the game was going forward, but with Polaris i could not get involved with the story no matter how much i tried. The world left plot holes, some parts made no sense, there were useless attempts to drag the world on longer than it needed to be and some dialogue that sounded like it was written (and delivered) by a 5 year old. The entire spiral is supposed to be in danger and the Rat is nearing victory and we have to stop to get a pebble in a cave? Honestly we waited 8 months for a world that most people finished in a weekend, and to be honest, if the next world doesn't pick up, i will no longer be playing the game. I have played this game since 2009 and i feel like they are putting less and less into it.
-Cody Seaspear/David Frostshard, 110 and

Feb 05, 2011
I was thinking that maybe after level 100, they should add some sort of new leveling system.

Jan 10, 2016
sparky217236 on Jan 24, 2016 wrote:
honestly i feel like Morganthe's death was a great place to stop. I love the game but Polaris was honestly, one f the worst worlds they have released. In my opinion, they gave us watered down content and my biggest complaint was how they presented the world. Old Cob is supposed to be the most evil being in the spiral and this is supposedly the game ending arc. While playing through the world, i noticed that the situation with Rasputin was supposed to be dire and the entire spiral was at risk. But KI made this world feel like it was designed for a toddler. Millori was awfully presented and made the situation seem less and less serious every time her dialogue was added. With Morganthe the story was dark and dire, and i really like how the game was going forward, but with Polaris i could not get involved with the story no matter how much i tried. The world left plot holes, some parts made no sense, there were useless attempts to drag the world on longer than it needed to be and some dialogue that sounded like it was written (and delivered) by a 5 year old. The entire spiral is supposed to be in danger and the Rat is nearing victory and we have to stop to get a pebble in a cave? Honestly we waited 8 months for a world that most people finished in a weekend, and to be honest, if the next world doesn't pick up, i will no longer be playing the game. I have played this game since 2009 and i feel like they are putting less and less into it.
-Cody Seaspear/David Frostshard, 110 and
It is designed to be a family game. If it is too hard for the younger players, they will lose players. Personally, I do not focus on difficulty, but on the content of the storyline. I have liked it so far.

Nov 22, 2010
sparky217236 on Jan 24, 2016 wrote:
honestly i feel like Morganthe's death was a great place to stop. I love the game but Polaris was honestly, one f the worst worlds they have released. In my opinion, they gave us watered down content and my biggest complaint was how they presented the world. Old Cob is supposed to be the most evil being in the spiral and this is supposedly the game ending arc. While playing through the world, i noticed that the situation with Rasputin was supposed to be dire and the entire spiral was at risk. But KI made this world feel like it was designed for a toddler. Millori was awfully presented and made the situation seem less and less serious every time her dialogue was added. With Morganthe the story was dark and dire, and i really like how the game was going forward, but with Polaris i could not get involved with the story no matter how much i tried. The world left plot holes, some parts made no sense, there were useless attempts to drag the world on longer than it needed to be and some dialogue that sounded like it was written (and delivered) by a 5 year old. The entire spiral is supposed to be in danger and the Rat is nearing victory and we have to stop to get a pebble in a cave? Honestly we waited 8 months for a world that most people finished in a weekend, and to be honest, if the next world doesn't pick up, i will no longer be playing the game. I have played this game since 2009 and i feel like they are putting less and less into it.
-Cody Seaspear/David Frostshard, 110 and
the plot holes and everything else are there because Polaris is the first world of the new story line.

Do you quit reading a book because there are questions, seeming plot holes, and things that don't make sense in the first chapter? Seriously?

There are quite a few chapters to come in the story line that just started with Polaris. If you quite the game, you'll never find out what is really going on.

Nov 22, 2010
lifemender180 on Feb 3, 2016 wrote:
It is designed to be a family game. If it is too hard for the younger players, they will lose players. Personally, I do not focus on difficulty, but on the content of the storyline. I have liked it so far.
I want you to show me any five year old playing this game that is going to be able to beat Rasputin without his or her much older family helping out. The game is already way too hard for the younger players. CL and up are designed for the teens and older, not the young kids.

Young kids play the harder worlds, but not by themselves.

Jan 24, 2010
All mmo's that are successfull constantly update with no clear end. Sorry but if you want them to stop adding levels and worlds so other players can catch up (including myself) then we will have to wait a few years. I understand, I feel like i'm missing out, but we can always catch up and we will be able to do Polaris no matter what. So it's in some ways better because you won't have to just wait for the next update.

Jun 12, 2009
sparky217236 on Jan 24, 2016 wrote:
honestly i feel like Morganthe's death was a great place to stop. I love the game but Polaris was honestly, one f the worst worlds they have released. In my opinion, they gave us watered down content and my biggest complaint was how they presented the world. Old Cob is supposed to be the most evil being in the spiral and this is supposedly the game ending arc. While playing through the world, i noticed that the situation with Rasputin was supposed to be dire and the entire spiral was at risk. But KI made this world feel like it was designed for a toddler. Millori was awfully presented and made the situation seem less and less serious every time her dialogue was added. With Morganthe the story was dark and dire, and i really like how the game was going forward, but with Polaris i could not get involved with the story no matter how much i tried. The world left plot holes, some parts made no sense, there were useless attempts to drag the world on longer than it needed to be and some dialogue that sounded like it was written (and delivered) by a 5 year old. The entire spiral is supposed to be in danger and the Rat is nearing victory and we have to stop to get a pebble in a cave? Honestly we waited 8 months for a world that most people finished in a weekend, and to be honest, if the next world doesn't pick up, i will no longer be playing the game. I have played this game since 2009 and i feel like they are putting less and less into it.
-Cody Seaspear/David Frostshard, 110 and
I don't know about you but I think Mellori could care less if the spiral ended or not, I'm willing to put money on it she's Morganthe part 2. She seems like a shady character when she stays behind and talks to the auracale and overall just seems like she is evil. Though I agree it seemed like most of the main characters involved in the plot line made it seem less and less dire. However you have to take into consideration we didn't even know Rasputin had the necessary things to tear down the mountain top until we figured out what the borealis majoris was which may have contributed to the characters' laxness about the end of the world

Sep 21, 2010
this kind of off topic for this post but I have new ideas for spells in the upcoming world that has been teased for a while to be mirage. fell free to comment thoughts or changes but these are my ideas.

I think that while we did get a somewhat recent minion added to the game for all schools I think its time for another. because mirage means a sort of illusion or mirror image what if a new level 118 minion could be duplicating your stats and projecting the shadow self that was talked about in khrysalis into a minion. keeping all your stats and spells currently in your deck (excluding this spell of course) and being another version of you.

we could also have a new type of aura that reflects 40% of incoming damage back to the enemy as shadow damage.

if you like these ideas and have others feel free to post more below.

Jul 04, 2012
eric56379 on Dec 6, 2015 wrote:

Just recently, I got my membership back and realized that Kingsisle released Polaris. I'm trying to max out on all my Wizards but Kingsisle won't stop releasing worlds! How do you all feel about Polaris? I felt like level 100 was a great place to stop with levels. Now they released another world? What level are we going to? 200? I'm still glad that Kingsisle isn't ditching the game after Khrysalis, but I'm starting to get a little annoyed with how many worlds are getting released in the game.

Thoughts? Opinions?


Here's the thing: MMO's don't just stop releasing levels. Sure, it's hard to max out your characters with worlds continuing to be released, but once your characters are maxed out, waiting for a new world is very boring, and when they release worlds it's very exciting. I know it's tough, so here are my tips for maxing out a character:

  • Choose one character at a time.
  • Work hard on your character and commit to becoming a better wizard.
  • Always upgrade your gear (I do it every 5 levels or so)
  • Don't give up! Keep trying until you get it. The team up button also helps with this.

Angela Gem, Level 110

Katie GoldFountain, Level 98

Aug 11, 2014
eric56379 on Dec 6, 2015 wrote:

Just recently, I got my membership back and realized that Kingsisle released Polaris. I'm trying to max out on all my Wizards but Kingsisle won't stop releasing worlds! How do you all feel about Polaris? I felt like level 100 was a great place to stop with levels. Now they released another world? What level are we going to? 200? I'm still glad that Kingsisle isn't ditching the game after Khrysalis, but I'm starting to get a little annoyed with how many worlds are getting released in the game.

Thoughts? Opinions?


Polaris is an amazing world, xp lvls are super high. But I see what you mean when you say they added polaris relatively quickly after khrysalis.
I may(and probably am) wrong when i say this but, i think kingsisle is making a "Cloud" related world. This world will be about the length of azteca and will have insane difficulty, but every class will either receive an overtime spell or a heal/shadow related spell. Players will basically be able to float in mid-air and will fight bosses and enemies that are practically transparent and will cast unimaginable spells, such as the overtimes i said you'd get for completing the world, ya? well, for the first time in the entire game they're going to make it so hard that they'll include spells that wizards don't even have, and that's only the start, (remember, all of this is just a massive opinion, none of it is certain) I believe "myth" class will recieve a heal, which will make them a powerful class to be, and kingsisle will most likely either, fix their health, or give them another spell in the world after the cloud one that will hit all opponents + stun them all for one round/hit all opponents + beguile them all for one round.

Zachary LegendBreaker (Prodigious Necromancer (Necromancer=Death))

May 01, 2009
Dude. Who ever said they need to stop making worlds, no. so many people are getting bored after they complete a world. just because you think you should max out all characters doesnt mean everyone else wants to do that. We dont wanna waste time maxing another character when we already have one. Thanks.

Blaze Dawnthief

Jan 19, 2009
Okay, I'm only a lower-leveled wizard as opposed to you guys, but I think that unlike what OP is saying, it's great that they're constantly adding new worlds. If W101 were to release a world very slowly (or refuse to update the game at all), people would begin to become disinterested in the game, and eventually leave. Even so, these worlds are free so long as you have a membership, unlike other MMO's, such as World of Warcraft, where you obtain the ability to go to different worlds through expansions, something that shouldn't be seen on W101.

Melissa Smith - Master Sorcerer Lvl. 45

Feb 04, 2015
why did they add more spells to the game level 88

Jan 19, 2014
eric56379 on Dec 6, 2015 wrote:

Just recently, I got my membership back and realized that Kingsisle released Polaris. I'm trying to max out on all my Wizards but Kingsisle won't stop releasing worlds! How do you all feel about Polaris? I felt like level 100 was a great place to stop with levels. Now they released another world? What level are we going to? 200? I'm still glad that Kingsisle isn't ditching the game after Khrysalis, but I'm starting to get a little annoyed with how many worlds are getting released in the game.

Thoughts? Opinions?


You say that Wizard101 is getting updates too quickly, right? Well, look at Pirate101. They didn't get a single story update since May 2013 (until this June, of course)!

Sep 17, 2012
G4M3R101 on May 30, 2016 wrote:
Polaris is an amazing world, xp lvls are super high. But I see what you mean when you say they added polaris relatively quickly after khrysalis.
I may(and probably am) wrong when i say this but, i think kingsisle is making a "Cloud" related world. This world will be about the length of azteca and will have insane difficulty, but every class will either receive an overtime spell or a heal/shadow related spell. Players will basically be able to float in mid-air and will fight bosses and enemies that are practically transparent and will cast unimaginable spells, such as the overtimes i said you'd get for completing the world, ya? well, for the first time in the entire game they're going to make it so hard that they'll include spells that wizards don't even have, and that's only the start, (remember, all of this is just a massive opinion, none of it is certain) I believe "myth" class will recieve a heal, which will make them a powerful class to be, and kingsisle will most likely either, fix their health, or give them another spell in the world after the cloud one that will hit all opponents + stun them all for one round/hit all opponents + beguile them all for one round.

Zachary LegendBreaker (Prodigious Necromancer (Necromancer=Death))
They released it relatively quickly? Polaris was released 2 years after Khrysalis pt1. Compare this with Zafaria, Avalon and Azteca being released 6 months apart.