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PvP matchmaking needs to be redone

Jun 19, 2012
I am currently a level 46 life wizard and just started rank pvping. On my first match, I was paired with a Warlord. Although he was 20 levels underneath me, he had full warlord gear, a full resistance pet and the 2 most overpowered spells in this game currently, Lore and Burning Rampage. As you can probably tell, I lost. Then I qued again, and got the same guy. Except this time, he didn't use Lore or Burning Rampage, he used his own actual spells. But even so, his Warlord gear gives him such a major damage boost, to the point that it's unfair. His Fire Elf did 200 damage + 500 per tick and he casts two or three of them. So obviously, I'm dead within a few rounds, even after healing.

I thought that PvP would be based on rank, so Private vs Private, not Warlord vs Private. Even though he was 20 levels underneath me, his armor was so much better than mine. So, I would think that K.I. should either nerf the PvP armor, which I wouldn't prefer or make PvP based on rank vs rank.

Already, I know that some of you will think, if it was rank vs rank, then sometimes more often than not, you would get faced with another person that is completely worse than you but is the same rank, or someone that is way better than you and is the same PvP rank. And, I think the K.I. can make it so that doesn't happen. Maybe it would take longer to be placed in a match, but at least the match would be fair, and in my opinion, I would rather have a fair match that takes forever to place over an unfair match that takes seconds or minutes to place.

Dec 31, 2009
With the population of ranked pvp being what it is this is not realistic at this time.

Sep 19, 2009
With the new update coming soon the 4th age of pvp will make it so you can't be matched against the same person twice in a row. Read the notes on the test realm K.I. is doing rn. I feel for you though, i was matched against a notorious dueler five times in a row one day. Needless to say a private got destroyed five times in a row (LOL, should've quit on the second one). This issue will be addressed, so for now i'd just suggest stopping ranked until the 4th age comes in.

Dec 30, 2009
This is why people new to PvP end up not liking it.

Dec 31, 2009
DylanLionEyes on Jul 2, 2017 wrote:
This is why people new to PvP end up not liking it.
People who are new to PVP end up not liking it due in part to the attitude of the players. Think about it, would you consider doing something that was only going to get you verbally abused as fun?