On my death I am just starting pvp and have no idea what I'm doing or how to set up a deck for pvp and when I try to pvp all these warlords are crushing me making it hard for me to learn how to pvp. I think a good idea for an update would be to put the people with really low rankings together to learn together so they can work their way up to the best.
I agree with you 100%! This is the main reason why I don't do PvP. I've tried it before, but I never even have a chance against the people I'm pitted against who are obviously a lot more skilled, have higher ranks, and better gear. If an update like that happens, then I will definitely consider trying PvP again! But for now I'm just going to stick to PvE.
On my death I am just starting pvp and have no idea what I'm doing or how to set up a deck for pvp and when I try to pvp all these warlords are crushing me making it hard for me to learn how to pvp. I think a good idea for an update would be to put the people with really low rankings together to learn together so they can work their way up to the best.
~Natalie lvl 74 ~Natalie lvl 35
Oh my gosh please! I have lost every PVP match for this reason except once. There was only one match where we were more equally skilled (I lost that too, but I was soooooooo happy that they weren't a freaking Warlord. ) That is the problem with PVP and why new players don't do it. I mean you legate can not compete with someone who has the Warlord gear and you just have regular. I am so sick of all the Warlords. Let me face the warlords when I'm a warlord not when my Rank is -204.
I feel you. This is what makes me sad about starting to PvP, we usually do not have a legit chance to fight players of our proficiency range, I've tried a couple of times just to find a bunch of Warlords that know what they were doing and crushed me in just a few rounds.
I know nobody begins PvP knowing everything, but we should be matched with people of our own level, and Warlords with theirs. Not to mention I was that the cool stuff lies in PvP tickets, which makes PvE players just in a huge disadvantage.
As much as I feel for you (I was once at that point), I do not think that would be healthy for the game. One of the best things about PvP is being able to look up guides and videos. There are people who have set-ups for all schools and practically all levels (except for the odd ones like 72 or 85). They teach you what things to put in your deck, how you should level a character, and what Treasure Cards to get. The most important thing, however, is learning WHY they would put those things in. That is how you improve as a player and win matches. The other reason I am against the whole "beginner with beginner" idea is because of how skewed matchmaking would be. One, if you are a private and the opponent is a warlord, there is a significant chance that they are a lower level (unless you tried all opponents). This means you can play around that advantage and play much more effectively. My low level myth sometimes struggles not because the opponent is outplaying me on an entire different level, but simply because I know I can't one shot them and they prevent me from putting them in that range. The second reason for not promoting this is the length of time. Wizard101's matchmaking loves to put even fights, but those player are not always available. So to save you from waiting 10 minutes every match, they even it out by rank to level. The third and final reason is because there is no way to know how much more "advanced" someone is based on number of games played. For all we know they boosted (or allowed themselves to be boosted on) and have a skewed rating, meaning you can easily beat them. Overall, while PvP in the beginning is rough for players, there is a learning curve if you study other's game play and work on your character. Hopefully you can do a little research and have a better time in PvP.
Starting out as new to PVP is very difficult unless you have someone willing to walk you through it all. I agree that KI needs to do something to make PVP more doable by new players otherwise we will never grow the ranked community.
On my death I am just starting pvp and have no idea what I'm doing or how to set up a deck for pvp and when I try to pvp all these warlords are crushing me making it hard for me to learn how to pvp. I think a good idea for an update would be to put the people with really low rankings together to learn together so they can work their way up to the best.
~Natalie lvl 74 ~Natalie lvl 35
If you wait a couple weeks, ranks will start settling it and you will be able to fight people your skill level. Due to the resets, the PvP match making is messed up right now.
As much as I feel for you (I was once at that point), I do not think that would be healthy for the game. One of the best things about PvP is being able to look up guides and videos. There are people who have set-ups for all schools and practically all levels (except for the odd ones like 72 or 85). They teach you what things to put in your deck, how you should level a character, and what Treasure Cards to get. The most important thing, however, is learning WHY they would put those things in. That is how you improve as a player and win matches. The other reason I am against the whole "beginner with beginner" idea is because of how skewed matchmaking would be. One, if you are a private and the opponent is a warlord, there is a significant chance that they are a lower level (unless you tried all opponents). This means you can play around that advantage and play much more effectively. My low level myth sometimes struggles not because the opponent is outplaying me on an entire different level, but simply because I know I can't one shot them and they prevent me from putting them in that range. The second reason for not promoting this is the length of time. Wizard101's matchmaking loves to put even fights, but those player are not always available. So to save you from waiting 10 minutes every match, they even it out by rank to level. The third and final reason is because there is no way to know how much more "advanced" someone is based on number of games played. For all we know they boosted (or allowed themselves to be boosted on) and have a skewed rating, meaning you can easily beat them. Overall, while PvP in the beginning is rough for players, there is a learning curve if you study other's game play and work on your character. Hopefully you can do a little research and have a better time in PvP.
-Jeffrey DragonCrafter Level 105
I strongly disagree with this.
I can cast the same exact spells and my warlord opponent will resist through it all and do twice the damage with a weaker spell. Yes, it's the gear that's at fault here and it's because he's using the PVP gear that you can't get without having a rank! How am I ever supposed to get that gear so I can be successful without "boosting" or using friends? I can't because I'm consistently matched with Warlords. I would much rather wait for an appropriately skilled opponent that to just lose 10x to a warlord in that time frame.
I think that if you want to check the "all opponents" box then fine all of Hades can break lose, but if it's not, they need to look at matching a person's rank with another person in addition to the level of the players.
I also understand that there are various different "strategies" and "guides" that one can look up. But the bottom line is that you're not going to get people playing PVP because they can only handle losing so many times before they become severely disenfranchised with the whole thing and potentially the game it's self. Then you have the whole PVP is dead. Wizard101 is dead bit start up.
PVP is not friendly to players starting out. Granted there are a few PVP people that attempt to "take you under their wing" but half of this message board and almost every match I've experienced has negative people. When you PVP 50% of it is negative comments by the opponent or spectators and 40% don't say a word and port away as soon as it's over and then there is maybe a 10% that they are good people. I think that that is part of the issue too. It's not the fact that I lose and they win. It's the fact that the matches are severely rigged and uneven and the environment is too toxic.
As I mentioned in my first post in this thread. If I lose because, of they had more skill than me, I'm fine with that. -Sometimes you lose. Or if they are cordial about it. But I still think that you need to look at "Rank" not just "level".
I have no interest in PVP because of those who game it and because it sounds like the mechanics of it do not put people of equal experience together. Of course, there cannot be a way to know if the person is on a beginning wizard but extremely experienced in PVP on their other wizards.
But I think it could probably put people together who have played PVP the same amount of times? At least on those wizards?
Also the trash talking. I have no interest in trash talking anyone else or having it done to me.
It's too bad. Maybe the new changes they have made will address this.
unfortunately that wouldn't work. There are some jags who get warlord gear for their level and then lower their ranks so that they could fight privates while not being a warlord. simple solution! people deranking from warlord lose their gear. You could add that to your post
I agree with you 100%! This is the main reason why I don't do PvP. I've tried it before, but I never even have a chance against the people I'm pitted against who are obviously a lot more skilled, have higher ranks, and better gear. If an update like that happens, then I will definitely consider trying PvP again! But for now I'm just going to stick to PvE.
I agree with all of you who said that there needs to be a change in the matchmaking. I have not done any ranked PVP in a long time (since 1st age) and there have been so many changes. I tried having a fair deck where I can learn and try my hardest, but with all of these warlords, that's impossible. Also with the new daily PVP, it is even harder to accomplish them like win 1 ranked PVP match. For those warlords or players that have the gear you can't normally get (just buying packs or farming) you can't win. Even if I am a close to max level wizard, it's hard. It would be nice if they fix this. Same thing goes with my siblings who play the game also.
Another thing I want to mention is allowing pets in PVP makes it harder too. Why not making it fair by not allowing pets? or having two separate rank matches (with or without pets)? Nowadays, not that many people have time (adults playing the game and children who started playing) to get a perfect pet like those warlords with enfeeble or triple may cast healings. I made a new character (level 10 ) for fun and try to learn how to pvp better, but you get people who can get full power pips at level 5. That is unfair.
I may be repeating a lot, and some of you may not agree, but this needs to be an issue that needs some fixing.
"Balance is the key to success!" ~Joshua Stormblade Level 105 ~ ~Joshua Stormblade Level 10 ~
I rarely PvP anymore (mostly first and second-age Warlords), but has anyone ever considered, you know, spectating these notorious Warlord matches and attempted to develop a strategy from observing? There are still plenty of forums and communities dedicated to PvP guides for every school at any given level bracket, there are countless videos of high-rank deck construction and training point allocation, there is practice PvP which regularly has competitive matches with people who are playin' as if it were ranked (how else would you implement a new strategy if you're not trying or taking it seriously?), and there are a lot of houses throughout the game that have dueling circles to practice with friends and randoms. For those that find themselves getting discouraged and upset by ranked, here's the best advice I can give:
1) Get a max or very high-level Wizard capable of farming easily and supporting all of your other Wizards.
2) Do not do ranked PvP on said main Wizard until you feel you are ready. 'Failing' on this character will just make you even more discouraged. Rather, devote your time to enjoying the game, getting a good foundation of pets for the school you plan to duel on, getting enough gold and treasure cards to give to your dedicated PvP Wiz, and making higher leveled friends who can help with all of the above, farming for spells like Lore and Pigs, and so on.
3) Create your new PvP Wiz and get to the level bracket you want to be. I'd recommend somethin' between Adept and Grand so it doesn't take you too long to create. With this Wiz, simply do not care what happens to its wins and losses. It's a grunt. Get your gear, get your pet, get your spells, do tournaments for the tickets to buy the rest of your gear, and do not stop. Do 25 ranked matches and then reevaluate your record and strategy. Tweak it and do 25 more. Tweak it again and do 25 more. Eventually you'll get better and find yourself nearing Veteran, Knight, and Captain ranks. The rest is history.
I rarely PvP anymore (mostly first and second-age Warlords), but has anyone ever considered, you know, spectating these notorious Warlord matches and attempted to develop a strategy from observing? There are still plenty of forums and communities dedicated to PvP guides for every school at any given level bracket, there are countless videos of high-rank deck construction and training point allocation, there is practice PvP which regularly has competitive matches with people who are playin' as if it were ranked (how else would you implement a new strategy if you're not trying or taking it seriously?), and there are a lot of houses throughout the game that have dueling circles to practice with friends and randoms. For those that find themselves getting discouraged and upset by ranked, here's the best advice I can give:
1) Get a max or very high-level Wizard capable of farming easily and supporting all of your other Wizards.
2) Do not do ranked PvP on said main Wizard until you feel you are ready. 'Failing' on this character will just make you even more discouraged. Rather, devote your time to enjoying the game, getting a good foundation of pets for the school you plan to duel on, getting enough gold and treasure cards to give to your dedicated PvP Wiz, and making higher leveled friends who can help with all of the above, farming for spells like Lore and Pigs, and so on.
3) Create your new PvP Wiz and get to the level bracket you want to be. I'd recommend somethin' between Adept and Grand so it doesn't take you too long to create. With this Wiz, simply do not care what happens to its wins and losses. It's a grunt. Get your gear, get your pet, get your spells, do tournaments for the tickets to buy the rest of your gear, and do not stop. Do 25 ranked matches and then reevaluate your record and strategy. Tweak it and do 25 more. Tweak it again and do 25 more. Eventually you'll get better and find yourself nearing Veteran, Knight, and Captain ranks. The rest is history.
There are times when you have a bad strategy, and watching matches may be a way to combat that. The issue for me is, as I mentioned earlier, is that the gear is just flat out unbalanced. There is no way that you can compete with Warlords who have substantially better gear that you can't get unless you Rank up, which you can't do, because the Warlords keep doing twice the damage and have triple the resist- all because they have Warlord gear and you don't.
I agree with all of you. Somehow, something needs to be done. I don't try to pvp at all anymore simply because I came to the scene too late, and I can't compete with all these fancy experts with their fancy gear and pets. It's extremely discouraging. I would like to learn how to be better at pvp but I literally can't. Well, I probably could by watching videos and looking up guides.. But seriously, its just not worth it to me personally.
There are times when you have a bad strategy, and watching matches may be a way to combat that. The issue for me is, as I mentioned earlier, is that the gear is just flat out unbalanced. There is no way that you can compete with Warlords who have substantially better gear that you can't get unless you Rank up, which you can't do, because the Warlords keep doing twice the damage and have triple the resist- all because they have Warlord gear and you don't.
As Jester mentioned before, I'd advise against starting to PvP with a poorly geared Private at the beginning of a new age. It could take a few weeks to a few months before things start to settle down and Corporals start getting paired with true Corporals rather than a fully equipped Warlord from the previous age. That said, know your school and the level bracket you plan to PvP in. While there is often no replacement for the Duelist ticket accessories at most levels, there are also many levels where someone can compete without necessarily having or needing Commander/Glendemming sets.
For example, Waterworks, Zigazag, and various crafted or pack gear can suffice at a lot of levels - especially early on in your matches. If you find yourself reaching a certain rank, but lack the tickets, do not continue in ranked until you have done tournaments to get the rest of your ticket gear. Just some advice for ya, folks. I stand by my previous advice of making a grunt/mule character until you have hundreds of matches of experience at various levels. By that point, who has what gear will become the least of your 'issues' with the current state of PvP in Wiz. I will extend an olive branch and concede that I wouldn't have an issue with previously attained Commander/Duelist/Glendemming gear being restricted at the beginning of every new age, however. At least until they've reached said rank again. I could see that working and being a reasonable change.